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Everything posted by m1ndgames

  1. Great! Thanks for the update :) Regarding persistence: I didnt see any info that inidbi must be loaded (which is a requirement for OO PDW), so i assume your mission doesent save on linux... I have now loaded the linux inidb and will test your mission with it... stay tuned :)
  2. this for sure, but you could add the option and let players with highend machines have the choice. default could still be 500m or so... hmm.. could you explain this a bit more? i am building a mission for a while and im struggling to make player data persistent, because it needs to run on linux :/ can you contact me on steam? my id is m1ndfuck
  3. No problem, my friends and me had a lot of fun with it, but may i make the suggestion to make the npc spawn range variable thru mission params?! I sometimes like to snipe as a lone wolf... i guess the current range as around 500m? and can i ask you how the server stores user data over restarts? (i have a linux root and cant really use the known ones like inidbi and the arma2net supported ones...) as i write this.. i didnt check if it even works on my host...
  4. Just discovered this mission, and i like it... I will host it for a month on (m1ndfuck.de), if anyone wants to test it online :)
  5. Thanks! I will look over the code and apply your suggestions Aaaand... I made progress! :D the map markers are still not shown, but i have an assumption about the issue, will look into it tomorrow. the initial error was that the functions were not run remotely. the next issue was that you can not define eventhandlers in scripts that are run pre-init via description.ext. this is the working code (for 3d markers) init.sqf if (isDedicated) then { ["WarZones_Function_Client.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; ... WarZones_Function_Client.sqf _handler_draw3d = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_draw3d; }]; ["Handler Created: Draw3D"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; _handler_drawmap = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_drawmap; }]; ["Handler Created: Draw"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; and now the handlers are created. I assume the map markers are not created because the map control is not called correctly // drawmap Usage // [] call WarZones_fnc_drawmap; { map_draw_spotted = _x; map_draw_distance = [player, map_draw_spotted] call BIS_fnc_distance2D; // Get Distance from Player to _x if (map_draw_distance < 10000) then { // Distance < 10000m map_draw_side_own = side (group player); // Get own Side if (map_draw_side_own == blufor) then { // Paint BLUFOR Blue map_draw_color = [0,0,255,1.0]; }; if (map_draw_side_own == opfor) then { // Paint OPFOR Red map_draw_color = [255,0,0,1.0]; } else { map_draw_color = [255,255,255,1.0]; // Everything else is white }; map_draw_Pos = getPosATL map_draw_spotted; // Get Position map_draw_rank_short = [map_draw_spotted,"displayNameShort"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams; // Get Short Rank of _x map_draw_string = format["%1 %2", map_draw_rank_short, name map_draw_spotted]; // Build a String of Shortrank + Playername disableSerialization; // Needed because of reasons ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) drawIcon [ // Find the map ctrl and draw the icon 'iconMan', // The man! map_draw_color, // Team Color map_draw_Pos, // Position 12, // x size 12, // y size getDir player, // Player direction map_draw_string, // The Shortname + Playername string 1, // Shadow 0.02, // Fontsize 'TahomaB', // Font 'right' // Font Align ]; }; } forEach allUnits; // Do it for all living units
  6. Hi, this script works locally (i could create the marker on top of myself before i re-wrote it for online multiplayer), but online nothing is shown. I thought because i create those markers on the player side initially, i wont have any problems in multiplayer. But i was wrong.. The script gives no error or something, the marker just doesent show up... Hope someone points me in the right direction from Description.ext class Params { class spotdistance // paramsarray select 3; { title = "Max Range for 3D Player Markers"; value[] = {250,500,750,1000}; default = 500; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class WarZones { class Misc_Functions { class draw3d { file = "WarZones_Function_Draw3D.sqf"; }; }; }; }; WarZones_Function_Draw3D.sqf // draw3d Usage // [] call WarZones_fnc_draw3d; // Draw3d Loop for allUnits cfg_spot_distance_team = paramsarray select 3; { spot_spotted = _x; spot_distance = [player, spot_spotted] call BIS_fnc_distance2D; if (spot_distance < cfg_spot_distance_team) then { spot_side_own = side (group player); spot_side_spotted = side (group spot_spotted); if (spot_side_own == spot_side_spotted) then { if (spot_side_own == blufor) then { spot_texture_color = [0,0,255,0.4]; }; if (spot_side_own == opfor) then { spot_texture_color = [255,0,0,0.4]; } else { spot_texture_color = [255,255,255,1.0]; } spot_Pos = getPosATL spot_spotted; spot_rank_short = [spot_spotted,"displayNameShort"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams; spot_texture = [spot_spotted,"texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams; spot_string = format["%1 %2", spot_rank_short, name spot_spotted]; drawIcon3D [ spot_texture, spot_texture_color, [spot_Pos select 0,spot_Pos select 1,2.3], 5, 5, 0, str spot_string, 1, 0.2, "PuristaMedium", "", false ]; }; }; } forEach allUnits; from init.sqf if (hasInterface) then { // Wait for Server and Player Entities waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != "" && !isNull player && isPlayer player}; _init_client = [] execVM "WarZones_Init_Client.sqf"; waitUntil {isNull _init_client}; }; from WarZones_Init_Client.sqf // Create Eventhandlers _handler_mpkilled = player addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {Null = _this execVM "WarZones_Handler_MPKilled.sqf";}]; _handler_mphit = player addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {Null = _this execVM "WarZones_Handler_MPHit.sqf";}]; _handler_respawn = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this exec "WarZones_Handler_MPRespawn.sqf"}]; _handler_draw3d = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_draw3d; }]; findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_drawmap; }];
  7. Exactly... I use one script snippet to reset the cam, everything else is from me. This Project is ongoing for a while, and i learn sqf with it... update: i realized i ran the functions only once, but didnt create a handler remotely, so i wrote this: if (isNull _handler_draw) then { _handler_draw ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_drawmap; }]; ["Handler Created: Draw"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; }; But i dont get the debug message, neither on client nor server side. This Init_Server file is executed pre-init via description.ext, but i dont get the called: debug messages either... is it maybe because of the pre-init compilation? // Load the config file Values #include WarZones_Config.hpp; ["Loading cfg: WarZones_Config.hpp"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Create Side Centers and Groups BLUFOR_HQ = createCenter blufor; BLUFOR_Group = createGroup BLUFOR_HQ; OPFOR_HQ = createCenter opfor; OPFOR_Group = createGroup OPFOR_HQ; INDEPENDENT_HQ = createCenter resistance; INDEPENDENT_Group = createGroup INDEPENDENT_HQ; ["Created Side Centers and Groups"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; onPlayerConnected {[_id, _name, _uid] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "WarZones_Handler_PlayerConnected.sqf"}; ["","WarZones_fnc_draw3d",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; ["Called Draw3D with BIS_fnc_MP"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; ["","WarZones_fnc_drawmap",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; ["Called Drawmap with BIS_fnc_MP"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; i will now try to call the file and not the function... lets see if that makes a difference... ["WarZones_Function_Draw3D.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; ["WarZones_Function_DrawMap.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; edit: still nothing. i will call them now from init.sqf in the server launch section...
  8. I checked everything again, my guess is that the functions are not executed remotely. therefore i executed the functions like this: ["","WarZones_fnc_draw3d",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; ["","WarZones_fnc_drawmap",true,true ] call BIS_fnc_MP; but without success... :( a point in the right direction would be highly appreciated
  9. Thanks for your answers :) I have only posted the snippets that are used for the markers. The full init.sqf: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Mission Parameters and Config Settings #include "WarZones_Config.hpp"; ["Loading config file"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; if (isServer) then { // Create the Sectors [] call WarZones_fnc_createsectors; ["Sectors created"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Give Tickets to the Teams ["add",blufor,1000] call WarZones_fnc_tickets; ["add",opfor,1000] call WarZones_fnc_tickets; ["add",resistance,250] call WarZones_fnc_tickets; ["Gave tickets to the Teams"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Start Ticket Bleeding for the Player Teams [[blufor,opfor], 0.5, 3, 5] call BIS_fnc_bleedTickets; ["Ticket Bleeding initialized"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Set Mission Parameters _param_skill = ["AISkill",0.6] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; { _x setSkill _param_skill; } forEach allUnits; ["AI Skill has been set"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; }; if (hasInterface) then { // Wait for Server and Player Entities waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != "" && !isNull player && isPlayer player}; _init_client = [] execVM "WarZones_Init_Client.sqf"; ["Loading WarZones_Init_Client.sqf"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; waitUntil {isNull _init_client}; }; WarZones_Init_Server.sqf // Load the config file Values #include WarZones_Config.hpp; ["Loading cfg: WarZones_Config.hpp"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Create Side Centers and Groups BLUFOR_HQ = createCenter blufor; BLUFOR_Group = createGroup BLUFOR_HQ; OPFOR_HQ = createCenter opfor; OPFOR_Group = createGroup OPFOR_HQ; INDEPENDENT_HQ = createCenter resistance; INDEPENDENT_Group = createGroup INDEPENDENT_HQ; ["Created Side Centers and Groups"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; onPlayerConnected {[_id, _name, _uid] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "WarZones_Handler_PlayerConnected.sqf"}; WarZones_Init_Client.sqf // Create Eventhandlers _handler_mpkilled = player addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {Null = _this execVM "WarZones_Handler_MPKilled.sqf";}]; ["MP Handler Created: MPKilled"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; _handler_mphit = player addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {Null = _this execVM "WarZones_Handler_MPHit.sqf";}]; ["MP Handler Created: MPHit"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; _handler_respawn = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this exec "WarZones_Handler_MPRespawn.sqf"}]; ["Handler Created: Respawn"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; _handler_draw3d = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_draw3d; }]; ["Handler Created: Draw3D"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ [] call WarZones_fnc_drawmap; }]; ["Handler Created: Draw"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; // Load Gear [] call WarZones_fnc_gearcheck; // Create Diary: Changelog ["about"] call WarZones_fnc_diary; // Create Diary: Mission Guide ["guide"] call WarZones_fnc_diary; // Enable 3rd Person View restriction _view_check = [] execVM "scripts\3rdView.sqf"; ["3rd Person View disabled"] call WarZones_fnc_debug; waitUntil {isNull _view_check}; The Server Init runs pre-init via Description.ext: class CfgFunctions { class WarZones { class Initialize { class WarZones_ServerInit { preInit = 1; // 1 to call the function upon mission start, before objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["preInit"] // postInit = 1; // 1 to call the function upon mission start, after objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["postInit"] // preStart = 1; // 1 to call the function upon game start, before title screen, but after all addons are loaded. // recompile = 1; // 1 to recompile the function upon mission start file = "WarZones_Init_Server.sqf"; }; }; ... I would really like if someone with experience would 'audit' my scripts and teach me best practise... ---------- Post added at 12:41 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ---------- The markers were created in singleplayer and worked, then i adapted for multiplay and now it doesent :( ---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 ---------- i had issues with undefined variables, using global fixed this, but i will look into it after markers are actually shown
  10. m1ndgames


    I could compile and load Arma2NET on linux, but im strugging to port inidbi using xbuild. Does anyone have knowledge about mono? arma3server@m1ndfuck:~/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB$ xbuild Ini_DB.vcxproj XBuild Engine Version 12.0 Mono, Version Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors Build started 4/15/2015 2:57:18 PM. __________________________________________________ Ini_DB.vcxproj: error : /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj: /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj could not import "$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" Build FAILED. Errors: Ini_DB.vcxproj: error : /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj: /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj could not import "$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:00.0414560 arma3server@m1ndfuck:~/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB$
  11. Im trying to get inidbi working on linux, but i dont have any clue about mono and xbuild... arma3server@m1ndfuck:~/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB$ xbuild Ini_DB.vcxproj XBuild Engine Version 12.0 Mono, Version Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors Build started 4/15/2015 2:57:18 PM. __________________________________________________ Ini_DB.vcxproj: error : /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj: /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj could not import "$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" Build FAILED. Errors: Ini_DB.vcxproj: error : /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj: /home/arma3server/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB/Ini_DB.vcxproj could not import "$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:00.0414560 arma3server@m1ndfuck:~/serverfiles/@inidbi/sources/Ini_DB$ Btw.: @Arma2NET is running on the box. Could compile it without any errors... Dont know if it actually works though...
  12. Hi, i have troubles installing socks-rpc-stats: root@m1ndfuck:/home/m1ndfuck# npm install sock-rpc-stats npm WARN deprecated bignumber.js@2.0.0: critical bug fixed in v2.0.4 > fibers@1.0.5 install /home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/wait.for/node_modules/fibers > node ./build.js child_process: customFds option is deprecated, use stdio instead. gyp WARN EACCES user "root" does not have permission to access the dev dir "/root/.node-gyp/0.12.2" gyp WARN EACCES attempting to reinstall using temporary dev dir "/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/wait.for/node_modules/fibers/.node-gyp" make: Entering directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/wait.for/node_modules/fibers/build' CXX(target) Release/obj.target/fibers/src/fibers.o make: g++: Command not found make: *** [Release/obj.target/fibers/src/fibers.o] Error 127 make: Leaving directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/wait.for/node_modules/fibers/build' gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:269:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1074:12) gyp ERR! System Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 gyp ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--release" gyp ERR! cwd /home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/wait.for/node_modules/fibers gyp ERR! node -v v0.12.2 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v1.0.3 gyp ERR! not ok Build failed npm WARN engine follow@0.11.4: wanted: {"node":"0.10.x || 0.8.x"} (current: {"node":"0.12.2","npm":"2.7.6"}) > kerberos@0.0.9 install /home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/kerberos > (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0) make: Entering directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/kerberos/build' CXX(target) Release/obj.target/kerberos/lib/kerberos.o make: Leaving directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/kerberos/build' > bson@0.2.21 install /home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/bson > (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0) make: Entering directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/bson/build' CXX(target) Release/obj.target/bson/ext/bson.o make: Leaving directory `/home/m1ndfuck/node_modules/sock-rpc-stats/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/bson/build' npm ERR! Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "sock-rpc-stats" npm ERR! node v0.12.2 npm ERR! npm v2.7.6 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! fibers@1.0.5 install: `node ./build.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the fibers@1.0.5 install script 'node ./build.js'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the fibers package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node ./build.js npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls fibers npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/m1ndfuck/npm-debug.log root@m1ndfuck:/home/m1ndfuck# node -v v0.12.2 root@m1ndfuck:/home/m1ndfuck# npm -v 2.7.6 root@m1ndfuck:/home/m1ndfuck# Any hint?
  13. Hi! Is there a way to save persistent user data on a linux host? (Because INIdb and especialy Arma2NET are not working) \edit: I was pointed here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183892-Stats-Server-and-Client-API-with-support-for-SQL-and-NoSQL-databases And im currently installing it. Hope it works! :)
  14. Hi, thanks for your reply! :) I changed a lot, this is an early (but working) version: WarZones_Template_Sectors.hpp _Templates_Sector = [ [ [23225,18440],[23277,18456],[23265,18405] ], [ [23525,21121],[25241,21830],[25433,20342] ] ]; WarZones_Sectors.sqf // Load Sector Templates #include "WarZones_Template_Sectors.hpp"; // Get a Random Template from the Array _Random_Sectors = _Templates_Sector call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // Shuffle the Sector Positions _Shuffled_Sectors = _Random_Sectors call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle; // BLUFOR Sector _location_blufor = _Shuffled_Sectors select 0; // OPFOR Sector _location_opfor = _Shuffled_Sectors select 1; // Independent Sector _location_independent = _Shuffled_Sectors select 2; // Define x/y _location_blufor_x = _location_blufor select 0; _location_blufor_y = _location_blufor select 1; _location_opfor_x = _location_opfor select 0; _location_opfor_y = _location_opfor select 1; _location_independent_x = _location_independent select 0; _location_independent_y = _location_independent select 1; // Create Bases _base_blufor = [_location_blufor_x,_location_blufor_y] execVM "WarZones_Sectors_BLUFOR.sqf"; waitUntil {isNull _base_blufor}; _base_opfor = [_location_opfor_x,_location_opfor_y] execVM "WarZones_Sectors_OPFOR.sqf"; waitUntil {isNull _base_opfor}; _base_independent = [_location_independent_x,_location_independent_y] execVM "WarZones_Sectors_INDEPENDENT.sqf"; waitUntil {isNull _base_independent};
  15. Hi, is it possible to create and modify the sectors using only script? The Idea is to have more flexibillity when initializing the Sector locations. I'm trying it like this, using BIS_fnc_moduleSector: // Create Tickets [bLUFOR, 1000] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [OPFOR, 1000] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [iNDEPENDENT, 1000] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; // Bleed System [[bLUFOR,OPFOR,INDEPENDENT], 0.6, 10, 10] call BIS_fnc_bleedTickets; // Create Sectors [sector_a] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_a,BLUFOR] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_b] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_b,OPFOR] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_c] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_c,INDEPENDENT] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; [sector_d] call BIS_fnc_moduleSector; In the editor i would now link an area to the sector, and add a Trigger to the Area to define the Zone. How can/should i progress using only script?
  16. Do you have any mods running? Had the same error with CSE a while ago edit: you can fix the sqm by hand. search for un-escaped Class containers
  17. I couldnt find a way to modify the sectors, so i created a workaround by moving the Trigger to which the Area Module is attached to. But i have issues with removing a value from an array, error: WarZones_Template_Sectors.hpp Templates_Sector = [ [[23225.752,3.1900001,18440.73],[23277.715,3.1900001,18456.316],[23265.676,3.1900001,18405.834]], [[23525.969,91.983055,21121.223],[25241.434,87.181221,21830.838],[25433.451,9.782629,20342.787]] ]; WarZones_Sectors.sqf // Load Sector Templates #include "WarZones_Template_Sectors.hpp"; // Get a Random Template from the Array _Random_Template = Templates_Sector select floor random count Templates_Sector; // Get the three Sector locations from Template _Random_Template_Sectors = _Random_Template select 0; // BLUFOR Sector location_blufor = _Random_Template_Sectors select floor random count _Random_Template_Sectors; // Remove BLUFOR from Sectors _Random_Sector_B_C = _Random_Template_Sectors - location_blufor; // OPFOR Sector location_opfor = _Random_Sector_B_C select floor random count _Random_Sector_B_C; // Independent Sector location_independent = _Random_Sector_B_C - location_opfor; // Move Respawn Marker to Sector respawn_west setMarkerPos location_blufor; respawn_east setMarkerPos location_opfor; respawn_guerrila setMarkerPos location_independent; // Modify the Sector Triggers sector_blufor_trigger setTriggerArea [25,25, 0, false ]; sector_opfor_trigger setTriggerArea [25,25, 0, false ]; sector_independent_trigger setTriggerArea [25,25, 0, false ]; // Declare Sectors as Public publicVariable "location_blufor"; publicVariable "location_independent"; publicVariable "location_opfor";
  18. Hi, i have created a new mission. It runs on local lan test. Even on a local dedicated server. But on my (Nitrado) Host, its not working. I dont know why: The files are 100% the same. When Client joins, he gets the Unit selection screen twice, then on final load the crash happens... I think the rpt-log format changed... Whats the cause here? Alive? IniDBi? MCC? RPT was too long to post, so i pasted it here: http://nopaste.info/9801216a48.html
  19. I found an error in my rpt, most likely related to my non working alive menu: 15:58:18 0:04:08.493 (0.852) [x\alive\addons\sys_viewdistance\fnc_vDist.sqf:55] -ERROR- <NULL-object>
  20. Hi. i have a multi dimensional array filled with a name descriptor, the associated classname, and its cost. I want to create a Shop list on an object named 'shop_vehicle' but cant get it to work. Maybe because using variables in addAction is not allowed? How can i work around this?! FAL_VEHICLES_LAND_NATO = [ ["M1126 ICV M134 CROWS","M1126_ICV_M134_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1126 ICV M2 CROWS","M1126_ICV_M2_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1126 ICV M2 GPK","M1126_ICV_M2NEST_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1126 ICV Mk19 CROWS","M1126_ICV_mk19_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1128 MGS","M1128_MGS_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1129 MC MK19 CROWS","M1129_MC_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1130 CV M2 CROWS","M1130_CV_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1133 MEV","M1133_MEV_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1135 ATGMV","M1135_ATGMV_DG1_NOSLATDES",100], ["M1151 M2","DAR_M1151",100], ["M1151 Mk 19","DAR_M115_MK19",100], ["M1151 M2 Deployment","DAR_M1151_Deploy",100], ["M1151 ECV","DAR_M1152",100], ["M1151 TOW-2","DAR_M1167",100], ["Nemmera","B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F",100], ["Bardelas","B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F",100], ["Merkava Mk IV LIC","B_MBT_01_TUSK_F",100], ["Merkava Mk IV M","B_MBT_01_cannon_F",100], ["Namer","B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F",100], ["Patria AMV","B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F",100], ["Seara","B_MBT_01_mlrs_F",100], ["Sholef","B_MBT_01_arty_F",100] ]; { shop_vehicle addAction [_x, ""] } forEach FAL_VEHICLES_LAND_NATO;
  21. thanks a lot! i tried . to connect it, but didnt think of + edit: tried it like this, but it doesent show anything anymore: { shop_vehicle addAction [_x select 0 + " - " + _x select 2, "scripts\fal_shop.sqf",[_x select 1,_x select 2]] } forEach FAL_VEHICLES_LAND_NATO;
  22. Thanks guys! I'm familiar with script languages (perl), but sometimes this syntax is weird, or, lacking ;) Without trying, does this also work? { shop_vehicle addAction [_x select 0 " - " _x select 2, "scriptNameGoesHere.sqf",[_x select 1,_x select 2]] } forEach FAL_VEHICLES_LAND_NATO; I added a " - " between the _x selects so the players can see the cost next to the vehicle...
  23. Hi! 1. Is there a snippet to exclude units from profiling? All the link-lines mess up the view ;) 2. I don't know why, but i cannot use the alive debug options anymore. I can see the Distance Settings Settings and even the CAS when i have the tablet on me. But the Debug Options are not there?! I removed the alive modules and re-placed them, but have the same issue.
  24. Hi, im just starting to learn the syntax... In Theory the following script should create the triggers and set the trigger-options, if the parameter is 'init'. After the initial init, the script can be run again with, for example, 'isis_minefield' parameter to create the new Intel via createDiaryRecord. But actually, it doesen't check the if statements and just enters all the intel when you connect to the (dedicated) server. So yes, this must work in mp too... :/ i call it via init.sqf: _param = _this select 0; if(_param == "init") then { if (isServer) then { isis_minefield_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[4113.7158,6.9900088,7145.6509]]; publicVariable "isis_minefield_trigger"; isis_base_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[4583.1924,6.9900088,5228.8604]]; publicVariable "isis_base_trigger"; isis_airbase_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[2921.3521,6.9900088,6405.4712]]; publicVariable "isis_airbase_trigger"; }; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNil "isis_minefield_trigger"}; isis_minefield_trigger setTriggerArea[2000,155,-2.61533,false]; isis_minefield_trigger setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true]; isis_minefield_trigger setTriggerStatements["this", ["isis_minefield"] execVM "scripts\intel.sqf", ""]; }; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNil "isis_base_trigger"}; isis_base_trigger setTriggerArea[250,250,0,false]; isis_base_trigger setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true]; isis_base_trigger setTriggerStatements["this", ["isis_base"] execVM "scripts\intel.sqf", ""]; }; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNil "isis_airbase_trigger"}; isis_airbase_trigger setTriggerArea[2000,155,-2.61533,false]; isis_airbase_trigger setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true]; isis_airbase_trigger setTriggerStatements["this", ["isis_airbase"] execVM "scripts\intel.sqf", ""]; }; }; if(_param == "isis_minefield") then { player createDiaryRecord["intel", [ "ISIS", " <marker name='minefield_marker'>Minefield</marker><br/> <br/> " ] ]; ["New Intel:","Minefield"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; }; if(_param == "isis_base") then { player createDiaryRecord["intel", [ "ISIS", " <marker name='base_marker'>ISIS HQ</marker><br/> <br/> " ] ]; ["New Intel:","ISIS HQ"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; }; if(_param == "isis_airbase") then { player createDiaryRecord["intel", [ "ISIS", " <marker name='airbase_marker'>ISIS Airbase</marker><br/> <br/> " ] ]; ["New Intel:","ISIS Airbase"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; };
  25. not an option, i tried a few times to convience the squad members... well, agm and the spotter web-app are both open source afaik, so i might take a look. the ui is there, i 'just' have to adapt the numbers from the backend... right?