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About cobrausn

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  1. cobrausn

    Immobilize M1A1

    Actually, the pas_L / pas_P suggestion worked perfectly. Awesome man, thanks.
  2. I want the goal of a mission to be to rescue the crew of an immobilized (but otherwise functional) M1A1. The 'otherwise functional' part is important - I want to make sure it has a working main gun. I was told the 'setHit' command could be used to damage specific parts of the vehicle. Turns out if you 'setHit ["motor", 1];', the M1 explodes when you get in it. So then I tried disabling the tracks, but I can't seem to find the actual part I need to set hit to get those damned tracks to be disabled - I tried all of the various wheels as well as the track names (from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Translations), and not a single one of them will disable treads (pasanimL, pasanimP, pasL, pasoffsetL, pasoffsetR, pasP, pasy). Is there something I'm missing here? I feel like it should be obvious, and yet...
  3. It seemed to fire as far as it said it would - on 'Short', I aimed straight up and fired shots. They landed about a kilometer away. Is there a better way to have the AI fire artillery? I'm using the artillery module and set it up according to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module.
  4. So, fairly new to this, but I managed to find what I think is a bug / undocumented feature in the BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission function. It seems if you synchronize a Podnos 2B14 mortar (possibly others as well) to an artillery logic, and then call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission using that logic, the mortar's range is permanently changed to close to x10 the normal range brackets, meaning the mortar can (if the AI gunner is killed and you take over) shoot 40000m with it according to the artillery computer. I was able to have this happen reliably once the function is called using the following code. _startHE_template = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 2, 8]; _targetPos = getPosASL mortar_target; [mortar_logic, _targetPos, _startHE_template] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; Is this known and is there any way around this? Ostensibly, in the mission I am making, the player might get a hold of and use the mortar after it has fired a few times.