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Everything posted by marcEOTT

  1. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    EDIT: I just saw the topic about your new statsave system, so I know the problem in my case. I will simply run a old version of your mission now. if I reconnect to my server the second time, to load player data, it shows up this message at the login: '..._varName == 'isCop') then {if(_varValue |#|== true) then {loadedFromStats = true; c...' Error ==: Type Bool, expected Number,String,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Network Object, Team member,Task, Location File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Stratis\functions\statSave\saveFuncs.sqf, line 57 It stops at 'Loading...' and does not finish.
  2. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    1. if you cook 1 fish there is a luck to get the cooked or to lose the fish but if you do this now with like 20 fish and you got bad luck, you fail all 20 fish at once. ==> Change the luck system at cooking to once per item 2. if your inventory space is above your limit, and you sit into a car, and drive as drive, a anyoing sound starts ==> maybe disable the sound if the player sit in car, or disallow the use of vehicle if inventory space is above the limit 3. Im not sure if this was asked before, we should find a way to save vehicles, maybe there is a other plugin for arma or there is a way to save vehicle stats into inidb
  3. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    1. suggestion: Backpacks (just for permanent inventory space) the stereoids are some kind of bonus, or just for the poor players. small Backpack + 25 space = 10.000 $ medium Backpack + 50 space = 20.000 $ large Backpack + 75 space = 50.000 $ extra large Backpack + 100 space = 100.000 $ the drugs are very nice, but they only work as long as you are online on the server, once you reconnect you need to buy new drugs.
  4. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    About the Inventory space, there is a way to upgrade it by yourself, the drug dealer is selling some good drugs :D you really should check him out^^ about the ships and fuel, thats a good question, if we could pull a boat with a pickup truck, you could simply drive to gas station and re-fuel it, but atm there is no water-gas-station :D
  5. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    All he said is. He do not know how the Vilayer Company handle there server management, and it is up to you, to ask at Vilayer Support for more info about how to manage a vilayer server.
  6. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    very nice mission =) it is getting better day by day Im able to run 4 (and many more) game server on my dedicated server. The Stratis-RP Missions share all the same player database. Players have there inventorys on all 4 Servers, so once a server is full, you can simply play on one of the other server and use your inventory. Server Names: [bNS1] Recruit | Stratis-RP: Ultimate [bNS2] Regular | Stratis-RP: Ultimate [bNS3] Veteran | Stratis-RP: Ultimate [bNS4] Mercenary | Stratis-RP: Ultimate Im always updating the server with new mission files If a new update is out there, we reset all player stats/items. We well save the Players money, but everything else start from new. This is needed to prevent bugs on the server. There wound be anymore resets as soon as the Mission is done with development. New: you can now see if Players are online on the server and see the players money, jobs, and inventory. This page will be updateded with a new look as soon as I know how to use HTML and PHP :D Link: http://empire-of-the-titans.de/userdata.html
  7. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    This depents on the server you are playing on, if you play on your local computer, without the initdb mod, you should be able to do this again. If you play on a server with initdb mod, hm I think you need to ask the admin, cause normaly admins should delete the initdb ini-file after every update. if they delete this file, every player start from new on (this is needed because of new content in the mission, to prevent for bugs).
  8. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Hi ADUILO, checkout my server, it should be up-to-date, I've just downloaded the lastest mission file by zooloo servername: [bNS] Regular | Stratis-RP: Ultimate
  9. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    @ADUILO everything work fine, you just have played some older version maybe. if you want to play allways new, check out Zooloo's official hosted server or search for mine, name: [bNS] Regular | Stratis-RP: Ultimate I allways download new mission file, as soon as Zooloo tells us about it.
  10. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    maybe you connected to my server, it was not updated over the weekend, cause of my holiday trip, I will updated it this evening
  11. is there a way to work with InitDB Mod? Do save player inventory? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150293-iniDB-Save-and-Load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases!
  12. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Is there a way to save vehicles, same as player infos?
  13. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    oh so nice lightning. The town really looks much more alive now, very nice. oh god Im happy like a little kid at christmas, this mission is allready very nice. my newest hobby is going fishing with my little ship, awesome.
  14. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    you really should read the full post. It is still in development, there are many thinks to do.
  15. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    @zooloo75 some guys on my test server, allready broke the walls with a car or something
  16. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    now I got the iniDB to work. so if someone want to test a little, im allways trying to stay up-to-date with your mission on my testing-server name: [DE]Stratis-RP: Ultimate Arma Version 0.56 is requested to join
  17. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Hi, its maybe stupid to ask, but I tried to run the mission with the "iniDB" function you liked in your first post, I could not get it to work for me. Are you going to give your mission a server-side save by your self? So I mean, should I just wait for your solution?
  18. marcEOTT

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    job Idea: Car mechanic - Is able to pull broken vehicles back into city, and can repair them at his garage (would be cool if only the Car mechanic can repair vehicles, and only at his garage not outside on streets) ambulance - drive around the map allways ready to save a life (he should be able to revive people. injured people should get a counter like 3mins untill death, so the ambulance needs to speedup)