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Everything posted by offbtdrummr

  1. I need a way to make a point system per player. I.E.: A sniper gets a kill, he gets 1 point. He can use the point to obtain better gear, removing the point. What is the best way to do this? Another idea was to create a system that gives you a point when you die, but your points are shared by the team.
  2. Thats where the point system that I want to use would come in. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183711-how-to-make-a-point-system/
  3. I want to create a Supply Crate that drops near to your position, by using the addAction class. If it is possible to use a marker to place a relative LZ that would be great. So, you would use the addAction to place the marker, to designate the LZ for the supply drop. My current code should have it dropping on top of your current position, but it is not working. Can I get some help? Here is the code Im using to drop the crate, titled "B_SupplyCrate": To call in the crate, I use another code in a different .sqf, Which has the line of code: quick note: B_Sniper is the name of the unit that the crate should spawn over, and he is the unit who can call in the commands.
  4. offbtdrummr

    Camera not taking pictures

    @ maionaze yes i have remapped it. Several times. tried inset then home, but it still doesnt work. posted it as a bug on the feedback tracker, nothing yet. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8470
  5. has anyone else had a problem where the screenshot button doesnt work?
  6. offbtdrummr

    Camera not taking pictures

    The Steam snapshot is the one im referring to. Can you name some others, so i can take pictures?
  7. offbtdrummr

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    thanks. got it working now. great mission
  8. offbtdrummr

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    ok. can you post a link to the BIS download?
  9. offbtdrummr

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    just re-downloaded the version on armaholic. the radio still wont work.