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About TSVStriFe

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  1. Actually alot of people there can use it without issues, It almost make me need to redownload Arma 3, like there is an error or something, but I am on Stable myself.
  2. Today there was a small hotfix/patch and me and my buddy decided to start playing A3Wasteland, now each *.PBO file of that mod is being seen in the gamemode screen while hosting a server, but once you press Ok it will give this error:
  3. I see, well the crashed heli's and armored trucks > Convoy and AirAlert or Hostile Helicopter are being shown though, so I guess I need to deepen myself with running a Dedi server :)
  4. So Joschaap I'm using your wasteland mod with a friend (Just a private server) but do you know why I don't see the weapon cache mission popup and on the map when I host the server, but my friend can see it.
  5. TSVStriFe

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    I'm such a dunce haha my buddy told me that aswell. I seriously love the weapons such quality and such great sounds. Now I'm not sure if it's allowed, but since I only play this on my own hosted server with one friend I wanted to put these weapons together with the wasteland mod, cause there are no real snipers and the weapons (Sorry BIS) of R3F are just way too perfect. Is there any way to do so IF it is allowed.
  6. TSVStriFe

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Thanks for this awesome mod, but I've got a problem with your mod it is recognized and loads just fine, but when I want to put the box in the editor on the map, there is no more Empty to choose (Side > Blufor, Opfor, Independent, Wildlife, Civilian). I am using Dev build 0.57.105250 (If not mistaken), so I can't place the box cause there is no Empty to choose Ammo.