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Everything posted by SHJ-Studio

  1. SHJ-Studio

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi, thank you for your great work. With this Sound Mod A3 is much more fun. :angel:
  2. SHJ-Studio

    Operation Mercury

    Hi Deathstruck, no currently have no further plans missions/campaigns from OFF to import. That's a lot of work. I have played this campaign in OFP very much and that's why I Imported Operation Mercury. Sorry I do not speak English.
  3. The new update v1.5 is available for the Download. For the new update v1.5, see here: Red Hammer (ArmaHolic) For the new update Operation Mercury v1.1, see here: Operation Mercury (ArmaHolic)​
  4. @CWR2 has a new Version 1.01 is why there is the message (vehicle Item not longer exists), these objects have been changed and therefore can no longer be displayed with v1.0. Am going to change it Update Red Hammer v1.5 follows. Thank you Thanks for the help Wolle Thank you for your Feedback pressytcn
  5. SHJ-Studio

    M.S.K.E. 4 Islands Map Version 2017

    Thanks for the great idea and work. The islands are very well done.
  6. OK, thanks OMAC Sorry comrade with CBA I have Red Hammer confused with another campaign. CBA is not required for Red Hammer :Oo:
  7. OK, thanks OMAC, maybe I'm making a new thread for v1.4. Did you play the campaign without CBA? CBA is needed only for the J.S.R.S. Sound Mod is why I believe that I have added this to Mod Required AddOns.
  8. I do not remember whether CBA is required. :confused: It can also operate without CBA.
  9. The new update 1.4 is available for the Download. :D For the new update 1.4, see here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154754-Red-Hammer-Campaign-for-use-with-CWR2-mod&p=2481615&viewfull=1#post2481615
  10. Thank you for your Feedback Thirith and VoiceOfArmA:cool:
  11. Thank you for your feedback variable. Good thing you Red Hammer was so much fun. :bounce3: Thank you to everyone here who reported me tips and error. Hopefully, the next update bug will then be free.
  12. Thanks for the Feedback Mike_ITA ;) The Identities I took over from OFP why Dimitri is blonde. The faces of OFP are unlike in Arma 2 times I test the faces of Arma 2 and attempt times to find the face of Dmitri. Change it then the next update.
  13. No after the end successfully, there is no intro.
  14. Thanks OMAC. I never noticed when testing campaign .:d: I have error fix
  15. Thank you OMAC. Error Mission Need English (outro cutscene) is repairing.
  16. Hi OMAC, problem Race Against Time mission debriefing already repaired I would like to wait a while until I put the new update ready for download. There are maybe some errors are detected.:Oo:
  17. Hi Mike_ITA, I have not tested this. OMAC has it already then it is tested with the progress already functioning.
  18. Thanks for the info OMAC. The taskObj4 script error Seek shelter I have already changed and will the next update process. Just as the debriefing text end 1 (15returnchopper.abel).
  19. Thanks for the information OMAC and the solution there for. :ok: Will this script error at the next update as you change it suggest.
  20. Thanks for the info Variable found the error. Fix this error in the next update.
  21. Which mission you mean Variable? Mission 18 ambush.eden?
  22. So you have in ArmA 2 OA selected in the options to Italian. This language is not supported by the Stringtable. Therefore you have no diary, briefing and tasks.
  23. What kind of language do you play the Red Hammer Mike :confused: I have this Formulated only in the languages ​​German and English.
  24. I will play the second mission times to see what is displayed for bugs with me. Thanks for the Feedback.