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Everything posted by mr_sev

  1. Having only really experienced Arma2 via the tutorials and DayZ, I'm pretty new to the series. I have to say that I absolutely love the direction Arma3 is going. It is much more approachable compared to Arma2 (I tried playing some solo coop missions in OA and was completely lost). I'm probably spent most of my time playing Ahoy World coop and really enjoying the experience. The Good: - The in-game UI and Menu systems don't look like they're from 2005 anymore. They look fantastic - Overall graphics, textures and the world environment are visually stunning. - Player movement is fluid and realistic - The built-in voice does the job well. Still don't understand why most FPS leave this as an afterthought The Bad: - Enemy AI feels like it's cheating more than it should be. - Lack of night vision scopes, flare guns (apart from GL), throwable/holdable flares and holdable glowsticks makes night missions impossible. By the time you get close enough to use red dot sight, the moment you open fire you're pretty screwed. The option to engage from range disappears - The compass is too big to leave up all the time - Enemy movement can appear jerky, though I suspect that's more to do with lag - The armoured vehicles (hunters) almost feel too armoured - The performance on my Nvidia GTX 680 (i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD) is pretty poor. It autodetected my specs and put everything to Ultra. I had to customise everything to a mix of reduced draw distance, and standard and high settings to get a stable 20-35 FPS - Some areas (Agia Marina for example), while moving around in first person with sights up, my FPS drops down to 10-15. Incredibly laggy... feels like it's the first person + sights more than just the buildings I feel there's incredible potential in the engine. If I had to say my two main issues - enemy AI and performance.