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About woodstock

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Solved here: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=32651&n=last#bottom Thanks!
  2. Retuning a "Local variable in global space" error. _MedicPack setPosATL (getPosWorld player_ReconMedic); hint "Trigger" If I remove the first underscore, there's no error but nothing happens. If I transpose the units, the player gets transported to a seemingly random location, nowhere near the backpack. This is how I got my player to his backpack in testing: ReconMedic setpos (MedicPack modelToWorld [0,0,0]); hint "TRIGGER"; Again, this is just in a trigger action, not a script. I'm afraid I'm very new to all of it.
  3. And what's the right way to define which backpack? I'm setting up for a whole squad with unique packs for each player. Thanks!
  4. So, I'm attempting to trigger the delivery of a loaded backpack, generated on startup, to a player, on a trigger. Using the "usual" syntax in the trigger onact, I can setpos my player to the backpack, but not the backpack (or any other item, vehicle, etc) to the player ( getPos). What gives?
  5. Ok- solved that problem I think. Now, I need to know what to do about a conflict with another script that is also defining titles, or something??? class RscTitles { #include "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_Hud.h" }; How do I find the conflicting bit in the other scripts? Or- got a simple rearm/repair bit you can share? Like the one in your War mission?
  6. Yeah, been through every page. Is it possible it does not like some of my other scripts? Lifting works great, as does cargo and fast rope. Just not that HUD file for some reason???
  7. Sorry man. =BTC=. No disrespect! Great scripts! Great missions! It was a long night.
  8. I keep getting a "missing title resource BTC_hud" error - or something to that effect - on a mission using BTC logistics. Lifting works, but the HUD wont display. The BTC_Hud.h file is in the right spot - and I've copied it to all other (specific) mission folders just in case. Anybody??? Really getting frustrating, since it looks like it should be working. Also, I need a repair/rearm script that will work with the BTC logistics. Thanks, Woodstock
  9. Please answer me like I'm really stupid, 'cause I'm having a helluva time making/saving/loading missions using MCC. Like this: Open editor and create a new mission. Place my basic stuff using the vanilla editor. VAS ammo. Save the mission. "Vanilla_Mission". Export as MP as well. Still in the editor, open MCC and make all the cool stuff I want. Safe using MCC "Cool_Mission" Leave the editor, play multiplayer. Load "Vanilla_Mision" Join the game. Open MCC. Load "Cool_mission" from MCC? Is that right? Is there a way to work in the editor with MCC, and export as a "vanilla" MP mission that will not require MCC? Thanks, Woodstock
  10. Excellent idea. How do I kill this one?
  11. Hey Massi - or anybody that can help - As far as I can tell, I have all of your unit mods up and running in Arma 3. However, I'm still seeing people in their underwear, and I start to get some lag when I do. Last time on, I received the error message of a missing file: cfgweapons.H_mas_mar_helmet_1_us. Sometimes I get something about a missing Russian pistol as well. From this, can you tell me which pack I'm still missing, or which one is not running right? I have: @mas @nato_russian_sf_weapons @SOCOM_DEVGRU_A3_v1.1 @USMC_A3_v1.1 And then the usual, CBA, JayArm, ACRE... I'm using a command line in SixUpdater to get them into the game. Great looking mods man! Thanks! Woodstock (Forrest)
  12. Hey Massi - or anybody that can help - As far as I can tell, I have all of your unit mods up and running in Arma 3. However, I'm still seeing people in their underwear, and I start to get some lag when I do. Last time on, I received the error message of a missing file: cfgweapons.H_mas_mar_helmet_1_us. Sometimes I get something about a missing Russian pistol as well. From this, can you tell me which pack I'm still missing, or which one is not running right? I have: @mas @nato_russian_sf_weapons @SOCOM_DEVGRU_A3_v1.1 @USMC_A3_v1.1 And then the usual, CBA, JayArm, ACRE... I'm using a command line in SixUpdater to get them into the game. Great looking mods man! Thanks! Woodstock (Forrest)
  13. Hey Index - Can you make this available on a regular FTP or Dropbox maybe? I would like to try and run it on Windows using BlueStacks. I am unable to download via the Google store, since I'm an iPhone guy. Alternatively, is there way to force the download to my desktop (or other location) from Google? Forrest ---------- Post added at 16:56 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ---------- Regarding elevation - shouldn't the effect be about the same regardless of the direction of the elevation change? Pos and Neg should matter not to the bullet. It's all about the change in lateral distance via elevation.
  14. OK. What the hell? Neither of these work. 1. We're talking ArmA 3 right? 2. I'm using the code as init in a game logic unit. 3. Using code verbatim as above and inserting the name of my game logic unit, or another object, as the "yourmarkername" variable. No damage at all. Am I missing something I need to move over from ArmA 2? Woodstock
  15. Mindstorm - no errors but no effect. Is this the correct syntax for ArmA 3? I'm using this as an init line in a gamelogic unit. Should the setdamage come last? I played around a bit but keep getting syntax errors. Thank you. I'm learning from scratch here. Woodstock