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Everything posted by MackaRoney

  1. So what I'm trying to do is have once an area is clear, it uses the SLP script to spawn a patrol at a certain area. Yet I'm stuck on how to get the trigger "When opfor is not present" to trigger the spawn. also 0=["trg8",[0,0,2],[trg8],[[2,3],6],[1,[1,2]],[],[],["patrol",400]] spawn SLP_spawn; that basically spawns a infantry squad and a truck to spawn and patrol, but i dont want it spawn inside the trigger, i want them to patrol a marker.
  2. // set side colors private ["_colorWest", "_colorEast"]; _colorWest = WEST call BIS_fnc_sideColor; _colorEast = EAST call BIS_fnc_sideColor; // set transparency for colors {_x set [3, 0.73]} forEach [_colorWest, _colorEast]; [ markerPos "MARKER", // Target position (replace MARKERNAME) "Take over Stratis and take out the Caches found around Stratis", // SITREP text 400, // 400m altitude 200, // 200m radius 0, // 0 degrees viewing angle 1, // Clockwise movement [ // add Icon at player's position ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_inf.paa", _colorWest, getPos player, 1, 1, 0, "Base", 0], // add Icon at enemy/target position ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa", _colorEast, markerPos "MARKERNAME", 1, 1, 0, "Enemy Camp", 0] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; i named the marker "Marker" so name a marker marker and it will focus on that
  3. hey when i die, my saturation goes up a shitload. its unplayable, how do i disable that? Really makes the game unplayable. Also if i wanted to remove the camera shake, how would i do that?
  4. the camera works but not the music yeah i did, to no avail EDIT: Yeah dude either of those did not work
  5. I have looked everywhere and can't find one. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks. Edit. Also I want it for the music and the camera to only aactivate for that one person, not the entire server.
  6. Ok so after looking around i think it's mission intro. Can anyone confirm this? This would do what I'm asking for everyone separately?
  7. amazing! ---------- Post added at 18:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ---------- is there a way to reduce the time of being deaf? Do you know whats wrong with this? My game exits with missing } from line 36 class CfgMusic { #include "SBVMusic.hpp" }; class CfgSounds { #include "SBVSounds.hpp" }; class CfgMusic { tracks[]={}; class music1 { name = ""; sound[] = {\music\xx.ogg, db+1, 1.0}; another thing is if i just wanted to remove the black screen when dying, how would i do that? same with going deaf. im testing this on mp and when i respawn after getting shot, you go deaf permanently. ---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ---------- ok got the music to work with class CfgMusic { tracks[]={}; class music1 { name = ""; sound[] = {\music\xx.ogg, db+1, 1.0}; }; #include "SBVMusic.hpp" }; class CfgSounds { #include "SBVSounds.hpp" }; but now the black screen when you die is messing the respawn up. How do i remove that?
  8. MackaRoney

    Support Menu Script

    Great script man, i love it. Will def be running it on my Units Domination server! Taskforce91
  9. MackaRoney

    Support Menu Script

    i can not get this thing to work. It only works on your sample mission Spent all night last night trying to get it to work. Beyond anger at this point. Can anyone help? ---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ---------- Ok nevermind the answer was infront of me the entire time. apparently this call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; execVM "vehicle.sqf"; execVM "grenadeStop.sqf"; execVM "pilotCheck.sqf"; execVM "taw_vd\init.sqf"; [player] execVM "scripts\groupsMenu\initGroups.sqf" [360,480] execVM "cly_removedead.sqf" taskmasterLoaded = false; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\ascomBackEnd.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\ascomFunctions.sqf"; [] execVM "scripts\shk_taskmaster.sqf"; waitUntil {taskmasterLoaded}; if (isServer) then { waitUntil { !isNil "ASCOM_Initialized" }; }; waitUntil {!isNull player}; //Change the 2 arrays below for your heli names, eg ["aHeli1", "aHeli2"], ["tHeli1", "tHeli2"] //Helicopter Names MUST BE IN "QUOTES!" [player, ["aHeli1", "aHeli2"], ["tHeli1", "theli2", "theli3", "theli4]] execVM "scripts\supportMenu\supportMenuInit.sqf"; has to be first in your init line to work.
  10. What if you want a hint saying "1 out 3 caches destroyed" or "2 out 3 caches destroyed"
  11. MackaRoney

    Support Menu Script

    I already have a scripts folder, is that ok? Your sample mission works but when i put it on my domination mission, no bueno. any help? ---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 ---------- installed the scripts and everything, your group manager works but this one no bueno :(.. this is in my init.sqf call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; execVM "vehicle.sqf"; execVM "grenadeStop.sqf"; execVM "pilotCheck.sqf"; execVM "taw_vd\init.sqf"; [player] execVM "scripts\groupsMenu\initGroups.sqf" [360,480] execVM "cly_removedead.sqf" taskmasterLoaded = false; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\ascomBackEnd.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\ascomFunctions.sqf"; [] execVM "scripts\shk_taskmaster.sqf"; waitUntil {taskmasterLoaded}; if (isServer) then { waitUntil { !isNil "ASCOM_Initialized" }; }; waitUntil {!isNull player}; //Change the 2 arrays below for your heli names, eg ["aHeli1", "aHeli2"], ["tHeli1", "tHeli2"] //Helicopter Names MUST BE IN "QUOTES!" [player, ["aHeli1", "aHeli2"], ["tHeli1", "theli2", "theli3", "theli4]] execVM "scripts\supportMenu\supportMenuInit.sqf";
  12. amazing! after playing.. apparently you can take down friendlies too.. which can be bad and good. is there a way to stop that?
  13. So I am trying to have music playing for someone when they connect to the server, so im guessing it would be a trigger that activates when someone connects. I saw something like onplayerconnected. But i also don't want the music to play to the entire server, Can someone help me? Thanks.
  14. thanks beerkan, will get back to you ---------- Post added at 05:54 ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 ---------- works perfectly, thanks
  15. yeah i did that and i got locall variable empty, thanks for reply
  16. MackaRoney

    SLP Spawning script

    i can not get this to work is this what you put in the on act field of a trigger? 0= ["nameofspawn",[side,faction,delay(optional)],[position,offset distance(optional)],[infantry],[vehicles],[armor],[air],[tasks,taskinfo1,taskinfo2](optional),'string for unit init'(optional)] spawn SLP_spawn;
  17. Say if you wanted that Quad to have some men driving it, how would you do that? I'm trying to spawn a Ifrit HMG off this but with men inside it. I got the vehicle to spawn with this _car ="O_Ifrit_MG_F" createVehicle (position Spawnpoint); yet noone inside it, I used search and could not find it. This is my first post because I have looked far and wide for it.