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Everything posted by Plexico

  1. Yeah, I've always been quite dissapointed with what ArmA 3 has brought. The only thing I really like is the new engine, but it seems like they didn't add a lot of the things that everyone hoped for in ArmA, while subsequently adding features that nobody really likes (Like the Michael Bay style car explosions that were dismissed as a no-bug on the feedback tracker). Playing with mods solves a lot of these issues, but there are RARELY ever servers with mods up. While Life, Wasteland and similar are fun missions they seem to be the only thing 99% of the ArmA community plays. Vanilla co-op missions can be fun but they get old fast with the lack of new features expected in Arma 3.
  2. :) Yes, I've played ArmA II for a very long time and a little bit of ArmA III so I know how stuff goes down, but fast-paced or not 60 FPS vs 30 FPS is an advantage.
  3. I'm gonna be playing at lowest settings with 100% sampling at 1600x900, I have no SSD and a 7200rpm 1tb HDD. The i5 2320 is at the stock 3.0GHz. I am a competitive player so I would like to play at the best FPS possible so I can have the best advantage that I can, I don't care for eye candy. Build again: i5 2320 3.0GHz HIS Radeon HD 7770 8GB ddr3 1600 ram 1600x900 monitor
  4. i5 2320 7770 1gb DDR5 8gb ddr3 ram Playing at 1600x900, do you think I can run it with 60+ fps out of big cities and above 30 in cities?
  5. Op, what is your budget for upgrading? Also I recommend just building a completely new computer since you're going to need a lot more new parts to make ArmA III playable.
  6. I am planning to upgrade my graphics from onboard graphics to a HIS 7770 1gb. I've seen many benchmarks for single player, but I know from ArmA II that FPS can be very different in multiplayer. So please those of you that have a 7770, what is your FPS in modes like Altis Life and Wasteland, and what are your other specs? My specs i5 2320 1tb HDD ipisb-vr intel HD 2000 (soon to be 7770)