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Everything posted by fysis

  1. This is my first time in the Arma series and i'm overwhelmed. So far i've only played a couple of the missions on offer. I've watched a couple of YouTube clips and recognise that i need to spend a lot of time in the game but the keybindings seem confusing. How do i use the zoom scope? I've only been able to zoom using the top scope (red dot type thing). Is there a section for noobs? First impression is really that there should be an in game tutorial to help people with the keymappings - it's a complicated game, noobs need more help (or help to find help :P ) 7 stances? lol :) Nice. And another thing, is there a way to move over obstacles (jump)? I'm SO used to space bar being jump in other FPS games. Cheers.
  2. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    Have you fired a real rifle before? I think the amount of 'shake' is pretty realistic. But then while i've fired a Steyr many times i was never particularly any good and i didn't fire it a lot. Just enough to pass tests :)
  3. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    Thanks. I played online for the first time tonight, i did get used to the scoping a bit. I still think it would be easier if RMB did one and CTRL+RMB did the other, but meh. What i discovered was that i was completely and totally lost. I don't know what squad i'm in (is there a way to find out after you've joined?). I gather it's only when you select your role that you can see what squad you're in. I was running around trying to find my squad, or anyone in a group so i didn't get smashed by the AI. I killed two, died at least six times. So apart from not understanding who or where my squad is and not really understanding the comms yet i slowly got used to the different stances and whatnot. But i have to go third person to tell what stance i'm in, which is a bit annoying. A small, temporary graphic would be nice. I love the island. But my vision always seems blurry, not crisp. Is that because i'm not wearing sunnies and there is glare or something? Or is it just the way it is? Overall, it was ok for my first outing. If i can figure out how to 'squad up', take orders, heal people or whatever, i think i'll enjoy it.
  4. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    Thanks, i have seen that one already. I have done some research :) ;) Great! I've seen one of his guides re his recommended keymappings, good reading, i'll look into this link. Hmm... Teamspeak. I need some friends first :P Unfortunately, i don't seem to have friends that like the same games. They, like everyone else it seems, play 50 hours of WoW a week, and seemingly nothing else. :( I also have to commit to playing when they play, and with a couple of young kids, well, i play when i can. Kids come first. Great links, thanks. Hahah, who says i'm not :) I'm not though, really :) ---------- Post added at 10:42 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ---------- Off topic, but why does my dude make grunting sounds every now and then. As far as i know i'm not injured. And the screen goes kinda blury at times, is that fatigue? If so, how long does it take to 'recover' from fatigue?
  5. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    That is awesome, but you know what my first thought is? "I'm a noob with no military training, these guys are serious. Is there a place for me in this game?" It looks like what i'd like, but it's also very intimidating.
  6. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    I've played a bit more now, sloooowly getting the hang of it. This is very odd. It seems i have to click ctrl+r.mouse to change scopes /then/ click r.mouse to zoom. Is that expected behaviour? Why wouldn't it just be r.mouse for one optic, ctrl+r.mouse for the other optic? They seem to have added an unnecessary keyboard press (?). I also don't like using space to select things, i'd rather use the l.mouse but by the look of the way the game plays, it doesn't look feasible (possible?) to change that. Comments on that?
  7. fysis

    Where's the noob section?

    Thanks guys, i have Googled it, but there's nothing like having ones hand held in the game. I found a pretty good clip on YouTube (/seeing/ it helps, reading it just doesn't sink in for me). Good to hear there will be some kind of tutorial in the final game (maybe beta with any luck :) ). Thanks for the SteamCommunity link. Tell me, having never played Arma before, and only playing 'arcade' style FPSes like Battlefield (2, BC2, 3) and others, apart from the complexity and 'slowness' (misconception?) of Arma, what makes the online multiplayer so compelling? I'd like to convince a couple of friends to give it a go so i'm not alone. What's a great clip to "sell" them on? At the rate i'm going, it'll take a while for me to get online. Cheers again.