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About Biggus-Dickus

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  1. That's the error I keep receiving, which bars me from playing no more than 45 minutes to an hour on either a singleplayer or multiplayer session. I've tried almost everything to fix it: reinstall Windows, reinstall ArmA III, full wipe of my GPU drivers (using DDU) and install different versions of NVIDIA drivers (older and newest), making sure the BIOS is set to PCI-E instead of the onboard GPU, and remove a few parameters. The only thing that improved something was removing the maxMem and maxCores parameters, which I learned maxMem usually causes a lot of issues and maxCores conflicts with ExtraThreads, apparently. Once I removed those, I noticed a significant FPS raise as well as better performance. However, this error still occurs. The main time I get this error is either during a huge firefight, if I'm getting shot at, or if I'm flying and getting shot at. Before changing the parameters, my game would progressively lag worse until I went to about 1-5FPS and the game would just crash to the error dialog box. Now, it doesn't lag worse and worse, it will just crash with the error. I could have 40-50FPS and still get the error. I'm not entirely sure why I am receiving this error despite all the things I've tried to fix it. It happens on all maps, especially Tanoa. I'm guessing with "CreateTexture failed" it has something to do with loading textures, and Tanoa has a lot of detail in that map. I don't know. I'm not necessarily computer-literate when it comes to the details of how games work (coding and such), so maybe someone here could guide me in the right direction as to why this is happening. I love this game, and I've played since the Alpha, but this is preventing me from enjoying it with my friends who also play. I never ran into this issue until the couple major recent updates. Specs Intel i7 4770k @ 4.0GHz Corsair 16GB (4x4GB) 1333MHz RAM 500GB SDD (on which ARMA 3 is installed) 500GB HDD NVIDIA GTX970 SSC (not overclocked) ASUS Z87-A There were some suggestions I found elsewhere about changing the PhysX settings from Default to CPU and in the General Settings unchecking CUDA - GPUs in the NVIDIA Control Pannel. Will this help? If so, won't this reduce performance (possibly?) by giving the CPU more to do with PhysX and turning CUDA off? Again, I'm not sure. I mostly run JSRS4 APEX, if that makes a difference. Any help would be appreciated! I will try to provide more information if needed. Thanks!
  2. First off I want to say that I know there are probably a thousand threads saying (High end PC but low FPS); that is exactly what I have. BUT, I have tried many things to improve it, and it only improved the FPS about 2fps, or none at all. In SP for both ARMA 2 and 3 I have flawless FPS at around 50-60+, but right when I hit multiplayer it is different: ARMA 2 MP I tried the following: -I have the following startup parameters: "-high -nosplash - skipIntro -maxMem=8192 -maxVRAM=2048 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -world=empty" -Overclocked my Phenom II x4 965 BE at a stable clock @ 4GHz. -Overclocked my HIS Radeon 6950 IceQ X stable at 950MHz. -I changed my FOV to 90 via config. -I have changed the video settings in the config many times. I tried different settings from different people suggesting those settings in many websites. ARMA 3 MP The Multiplayer in ARMA 3 is a big step-up in performance from what I see in ARMA 2. All I have done is put the same startup parameters as ARMA 2, and I get around 25-40FPS in multiplayer but it still lags a lot at different parts around the map of Stratis. Now, I know ARMA 2 and 3 are both CPU-intesive games, but my AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE should be able to fit the recommended category but I guess it does not. I have a few friends that play with my and they all have Intel i5-i7 3000 series CPUs and get 60+ FPS in multiplayer while having view distance on Insane. I, however, play on Near-Medium view distance and get 10-25FPS in multiplayer for ARMA 2, and for ARMA 3 with Near-Medium I get around 25-40FPS but still the lagging is very annoying. I am thinking about upgrading my 2-3 year old computer, and firstly by getting an Intel i7 4770K as it seems to blow AMD out-of-the-water with a better single-core performance than anything AMD has (even the FX-8350 it can outperform or be on-par). Now before I do this and after anyone who reads my thread the question is: Is there any fix for this, or is my CPU simply not good enough to perform on multiplayer for ARMA 2 and 3? Some other in System Motherboard: ASUS M4A88T-M Video Card: HIS Radeon HD 6950 IceQ X CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition OCed @ 4GHz RAM; Corsair XMS3 16GB 1333MHz PSU: Coolermaster GX 650W CPU Cooler: Coolermaster Hyper 212 Evo HDD Seagate 1TB (2x500GB) OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Settings on ARMA 2 -Most on High-Very High. -No AA. No PPAA. -HDR at Normal -Video Memory at Default. -Playing multiplayer view distance at Near-Medium and still lagging very bad and quite unsatisfactory playability. Settings on ARMA 3 -Most on Very High-Ultra -No AA. No PPAA. -HDR on Standard. -Playing multiplayer view distance at Near-Medium and lagging quite bad, not very playable. Thanks.
  3. I tried EVERYTHING I COULD FIND. I did everything from uninstalling, running things in admin, and editing the registry. The one thing is, I cannot remove my ARMA 2 OA in the Bohemia Interative Studio section in the registry. It says "Error deleting key" every time. Please help! Edit: I just found out that when I supposedly downloaded a "FPS Booster" because my game was running bad, it was a key stealer... damnit... Is there a way I can get this reverted or get a new key via Steam?
  4. Biggus-Dickus

    Can run ARMA 3 on High but not ARMA 2?

    Any way to get a better performance on ARMA 2? I mean, it's not just DayZ, it's also ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.
  5. This is just weird. I got ARMA 3 and can run it on High-Normal settings. I get ARMA 2 so I can play DayZ, and even if I run the settings at Very Low my FPS is usually ~20 or lower. On ARMA 3 I get around a 40-60 FPS. I don't understand this. I have: HIS Radeon HD 6950 IceQ X 2GB DDR5 AMD Phenom II 965 Quad-Core Overclocked @ 3.7GHz Coolermaster GX 650W Corsair XMS3 16GB RAM - 1333MHz
  6. Biggus-Dickus

    How to set Helicopter Controls with Joystick?

    Thanks a lot! These work very nicely.
  7. First off I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo. Secondly I am wondering what some good options for setting my joystick to work with the Helicopter controls. Usually mine turn the helicopter way to fast and then I crash, or it is just too fast to aim, and so on... I would just like a really good setup for those joystick users out there for ARMA 3 only, not ARMA 2. Coming from someone who flew in Battlefield, ARMA 3 is a change, but I want to get used to with a good joystick set up on this game. Thanks!