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Everything posted by setohayato

  1. setohayato

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    I would say sort of to that. I am not expecting a great improvement but I think there will definitely be some sown the road. Alphas are always really rough I know from some of my own game design experience. What I find really interesting though is why they have not tried to make the game more GPU based.
  2. setohayato

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    There is a lot more to how a game performs on your computer than just textures. ARMA 3's render culling may not be the best at the moment and it would seem that it is very CPU intensive. If you are so focused on things like performance you probably should not be playing an alpha build in the first place. Another factor that greatly affects performance are the shadows and lighting used in the game. As for things like damage and AI issues do not expect this stuff to be perfect in an alpha build of a game especially one like ARMA. I can think of a ton of more reasons for performance issues but that is not the point. If you want the game to improve give constructive criticism instead of suggesting things that do not line up with your personal opinions of how a first person shooter should be.