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About Akratic

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  1. Thank you for the correction. Video and graphic quality is top notch for all other games, so I'm going to assume that all connections are properly made.
  2. What's goin' on, fellas? I've been playing ArmA for a solid week with a new laptop (G75vw w/ GTX 660M [Nvidia driver version 296.44]). My first issue appeared a few days ago when playing on a DayZ Origins all-daylight server. Immediately noticed that, to me, all the objects and textures in the game seemed impossibly dark that there was no way that it was an "all daylight" server. I later came back to my MilSim unit's server. There was an extreme amount of color banding in the sky, against my gun's siding, the colors were limited to blotches of grey, etc., and I couldn't see 40 feet in front of me because of how dark it seemed, even if it was dusk (at which time most can usually see, right?). My final issue, which inspired to me troubleshoot this issue, was that my NVG, my only source of comfort in all the darkness, has finally turned blotchy and dark as well. I can barely see through them. I've so far tried to ... Adjust my HDR Quality in game from Normal to High (some color banding was eradicated, but still very much present and noticeable). Heighten the brightness / gamma in game and on the monitor. Negative results which actually worsened the issue. Antialiasing at multiple settings, mainly Normal and High. Update my Nvidia driver from 296.44 to 320.18. I cannot locate the arma2.oa.cfg file, so I can't inspect any of that. If no one has a solution, could I please have the directory for it? I run ArmA II: CO on Steam. That'd be great. Anyone have any ideas/solutions as to how I can fix this horrible color banding, distorted coloration, and extreme dark contrast? Thank you.
  3. What's goin' on, fellas. First off I wanna say that this is a nice forum - very open, very helpful, and very cool. :) Secondly, I wanna say that I'm relatively new to PC gaming. I've dabbled a few times with the Dawn of War series and the Diablo series, but nothing beyond that. Of course they're not too demanding. Now, ArmA, on the other hand, seems to be a CPU heavy game. So I've taken the liberty of picking out two laptops that are suitable for my lifestyle - budget wise, mobility, etc. First up (my second favorite): newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230416 HDD: 750 GB; RAM: 8 GB DDR3; CPU: Intel Core i5-3210M 2.5GHz, and with what seems to be no overclock capabilities; GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M, dedicated, with 1 GB of Video Memory; OS: Windows 7 Premium, 64-bit. Second up (my favorite): newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230976 HDD: 750GB; RAM: 8 GB, DDR3; CPU: Intel Core i7-2670QM 2.2GHz, 6MB L3 Cache Max Turbo Frequency 3.1 GHz; GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610M, dedicated, with 1 GB of Video Memory; OS: Windows 7 Premim, 64-bit. My questions: They seem to be comparable, but what has me worried is the i5 vs the i7 and the voltage of each. How important is the voltage? Are the models able to meet ArmA's processing demands? For the second laptop, is it advisable to overclock it to, perhaps, 2.5 or a comfortable range around there? Thanks for taking the time, ~Akratic.