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Everything posted by ElitexKiller

  1. Hello, So I'm new to Arma 3 well Arma in general I managed to get a Alpha lite invite awhile back and have loved what little of the game I could play. Before though I buy Arma 3 Alpha I have some questions. One I love watching the videos on youtube of players doing the Co-op missions and how tactical that it is but I'm wondering how hard is it to get into games like that? do you have to find a group of people and befriend them to get to enjoy that style of co-op gameplay or are their servers people can join that do that? This is my biggest question because to be honest that looks like a blast!! second question is the hacking thing gone down some? I read not long ago that they were having a issue with hackers just wondering how that's going from the perspective of people who are in the game playing. :) last question what is the multilayer like? is it a large group of players in fire teams that are doing objectives while the other side is trying to defend stuff or is it just like team death match? thanks ahead of time for all the help! :)