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About Osmo88

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    Full time student

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  • Biography
    Finnish Mechanical Engineering student
  • Steam url id
  1. Hi. Does any one know is it possible to do/make monitors that show Live feed from the field? So that one side commanders could monitor what is happening.
  2. Osmo88

    Supply drop?

    Hey. Does anyone know how to make supply drop(virual one) to go with trigger? Would be nice to have automated drops.
  3. Osmo88

    =BTC= Revive

    Have a problem. When I die there will not come option of revive. Only get message "there is no medic in 500m" or something like that(And there is medid and rifleman from 15m of my body). Ideas?
  4. Osmo88

    editor objects [BETA]

    How about shipping containers?
  5. Osmo88

    Multiplayer missions issue

    Can't say that I do.. But it map started to work.. So go figure what was the issue.
  6. Osmo88

    Multiplayer missions issue

    dev build? :D
  7. Osmo88

    Multiplayer missions issue

    So the issue can be in my settings? And I will put more space between things.
  8. Osmo88

    Multiplayer missions issue

  9. Osmo88

    Multiplayer missions issue

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Bg-qvQrkd-SnhfWEtKb01rdHM/edit?usp=sharing Hope this will work. I made this one in last night as I was hoping that I just made some error in last mission I build. http://www.filedropper.com/airstrikestratis
  10. Hi all. I have made few multiplayer missions, and after i while(2-3weeks) I started to play them again and I noticed that I can only play them in LAN but not in INTERNET. When I switch on INTERNET option the game don't find any open player slots. Something change?
  11. Hi! Im making this mission where is 3 sides (civilian=freedom fighters, Blue team = Nato and red team as Local army force.) And I got this erros message after while -> '(|#|_wantTalk select0) || (((random 1)<_P...' Error undefined variable in experssion: _wanttalk" Any idea? Ps. Hope this is in right place.
  12. Hi! My issue is that when I test me vehicle respawn in editor I got this: '...tDir _dir; if (_haveinit) then {_unit |#|SetVehicleInit format ["x1;", _unitinit]...' "error Missing ; File: "the root where the vehicle.sqf is", line 116