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About RlyShadow

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  1. RlyShadow

    Tweak Helicopters

    It's the only type of servers i play as of right now. I much rather domination, but it's to early for that really. Not like arma 2 yet where there was tons and great ones with active players. Wasteland just gets me warmed up to arma 3 play style :) and wasteland....domination...editor mode. Choppers are the same. Edit- also thanks. Any idea what kinda tweaks are being made or?
  2. RlyShadow

    Tweak Helicopters

    The heli's could use little more work as i'm sure you are aware of. The Little birds are extremely touchy and just crazy to fly. I'm watching people fly out and do back flips mid combat haha. The other ones don't seems to respond well. I took a KA-60 in a wasteland server and it takes forever to land. It didn't want to descend fast enough, and it was touchy (with a joystick i might add) i just couldn't get it to stay steady. You lean forward and shoot off at 250 KPH i believe it is? or MPH? haha i don't remember but then you can't slow down, and in order to do so you must circle around a huge circle then pull up, but why this point you are extremely high and descend once again takes forever.