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About TracyTraceLover

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  1. TracyTraceLover

    unrealistic tracers need strong rework

    Yeah, that would be much more real with this mod!!! The only thing that should be improved in this mod is the glowing. It is more intense in reality and a little different colour. Should be glaring at one little point without making it it too big. But maybe it is not recognizable in youtube video... If tracers flying in your own direction, they should fly slowers first at beginning and the more approaching the faster they should be animated. Finally at the "end" the bullets are that fast that you still can´t believe it. As a true tracer fetishist, i would be so happy if dev team would take this serious :D Arma III could benefit so much with a fixed real looking tracer model. I do really hope they change this till final version. Then this would be the finest kind of sim, the world has ever seen...
  2. TracyTraceLover

    unrealistic tracers need strong rework

    If there is a technical background for this, i really hope they will find a solution. I personally would prefer them better to disappear at some distance in the meantime till a "true" solution is found. The infantry´s tracers at the moment have approx the real size of a M1´s sabot round. This really looks that bad...
  3. Plz bistudio do us simulation fans a favor and make the tracers more realistic this time!!! They are muuuuuuch to thick, too long and the "glowing" needs some heavy rework too. I have shot many times with real tracer rounds but this huge ingame-lighting-bars have absolutely nothing to do with reality. Watch more vids or better go to shooting range at night and blow some phosphorus dipped beans in the air. If reworking this effect, the game will be so much better i´m sure... Regards TracyTraceLover