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Everything posted by Pac29

  1. Cant wait for that! Thanks :) ---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ---------- Thanks!
  2. Does anyone know if there are any Mig 21-35 fighter mods out there?
  3. Pac29

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    That would be cool, Maybe they could get a lisence or training to build houses? Not sure. Im sure itll be cool either way
  4. Pac29

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Looks great so far! Quite excited for the chance to play. How do you plan on doing the housing system?? :)
  5. Pac29

    Swedish Army Mod 3 (SAM)

    Looks Great! Cant wait to see what else you guys are able to create :)
  6. I will definitly try those mods out, if i am correct i beleive there is are a few lighting mods, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7137&highlight=LIGHTING http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16782&highlight=LIGHTING Not sure if that is what you mean, If you go onto armaholic you should be able to find some lighting mods. It also may be your settings, really you might just have to play around a little bit. ---------- Post added at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ---------- Honestly i am not quite sure as to which mods work with the difficulty slider, i ususally keep it the same and am able to see the difference with the mods, when it is slided fully to the left they will basically be doing jack for you. It may be disabling the features, but i think it depends on the mod. You shouldnt experience any difficulty with those mods, they all seem to support the mods you are currently using.
  7. You should not have any overlapping or errors from those mods, although i am not familiar with the TPW CAS, TPW AI LOS, And the Shack tac bunny hop. I am running ACE aswell and find that with any of the mods like yours will work well. As long as you keep updating your mods you should be fine. When i run ACE Wounds i have to manually treat the AI using the interaction menu, Not sure why this happens but they seem to not use the system. Unless you are playing on multiplayer i suggest leaving out the ACE wounding modules.
  8. Okay, Thanks. Where can i find a list of weapons created in the FFAA 6.0?
  9. ASR Does have many of the element that Zeus has, but i found Zeus further improved the AI's Driving and Responding to Orders. ACE Adds many cool features to the game, You probably already have that. If you are looking for units, ANZAC or BW mod, They add many cool units and weapons etc. Maps, Lingor is really fun.
  10. Nice Job! Definitly going to be using this. :)
  11. Would really like to see this aswell. Do you know if there has been anyone who has created that Bearcat? (Sert Armoured Vehicle) ---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ---------- Zeus works fine with the mods you have said you used earlier, i am running zues with the same mods, no problem there. There may be a few times where the ai may be a little slow to respond to commands but other than that i have been pretty happy with the extra help from the zues mod. Here are a link as to what mods are compatable and such.. http://wiki.ace-mod.net/wagn/Compatible_Mods
  12. From what i have used those are the best AI mods. You may like to use zeus AI as well. Hope that helps
  13. If no one has started/created the MP5k PDW yet, that would definitively be a nice addition to the game for independent/civilian players. Maybe a cco sight for it as well.