The 101st Household Cavalry Regiment are looking for mature members of the ARMA community to join us in playing this awesome game. We play all sorts of mods from ACE, to wasteland playing both casually and more competitively. We are skilled gamers with a strong background in gaming and ARMA in particular. We are also playing ARMA III and having good fun learning the ropes of the game.
We are looking for mature (+18) gamers with or without experience of using this game, we can accommodate both types of player, who are looking to have fun and play this awesome game with us.
If you are interested please feel free to contact us at or at our website and fill out an application form. Also add me on steam, irishmike94, or feel free to hop onto our teamspeak server, and talk to one of the admins.
Thank you for your time
Recruiting Officer,
AnyKey Gaming Community