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About Powerswitch

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  1. Powerswitch

    Nogovan Armed Forces [WIP]

    Any word on that beta? I'm so very ready for this. Sorry if I'm being impatient haha
  2. Powerswitch

    Nogovan Armed Forces [WIP]

    Thank's for pointing me toward this man, I will be sure to download and spread the word. Your doing a nice job :) (Also a full battle rifles pack would be pretty awesome!)
  3. Powerswitch

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it. :)
  4. Powerswitch

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'm a huge fan of the G3 rifles in real life and in most games I've played. It disappoints me that I have been unable to find a G3 mod for Arma3 so far, and would greatly appreciate it if one was made. I am not into modding, so I don't know how difficult this would be, but if it wouldn't be too difficult it would make my day.
  5. In the missions I create for me and my friends, I always spawn with the kit I set for myself in the editor, and keep this kit even through death. This doesn't include scripted in weapons, just the different types of infantry. However, when my friends die during the mission, they respawn with the basic Rifleman kit. Any idea how to fix this?