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Everything posted by fodvapor

  1. ins0, this is a great tool! Thanks for the time and effort :)
  2. 1. Player Saves - Saving a players gun, money and vehicle so if they disconnect and they connect in a day or two they get their gear back. 2. Spawn Bikes - If a player spawns in the middle of nowhere they can go to player menu and spawn a bicycle. Not sure what to search but I have found some stuff with persistent db and am using just regular server messages but I have seen themed messages with outlines off to the right of the screen not in the chat area. I do have access to a mysql db through nfoservers which should do the trick or I have my own webhost through hostgator whichever works better. I just don't have a full understanding of scripting with arma yet and am trying to wrap my head around it. I am using a modified version of 404wasteland which is more warfare than survival wasteland but I digress... Thanks for the help !
  3. 1. Add time countdown till server reset (every 4 hours) 2. Player save (gear, vehicle and money) 3. Add more building materials for base construction. 4. Halo drop spawn 5. Adverts ingame with image or text. 6. Flip vehicles ---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ---------- Forgot to add this is a persistant server from nfoservers.com
  4. I was wondering if anyone remembers the CoreClan wasteland server and who used to run it? Im interested in adding the following to a server to mimic what they used to have: 1. Jets 2. Choppers 3. All normal vehicles 4. Base building materials 5. Weapons caches I think the guys name was heisenberg but am not sure. Thanks for the help :)
  5. I am wanting to create a mod like wasteland but perhaps I only need to edit one existing file? If I have been playing on certain servers already, do I have the mod in my steam folder somewhere? Can I just edit the files I already have or start from scratch? 1. I have found de-sync issues on a lot of the servers and it's all pretty random....is there a fix? What is a good slot size for a home pc? 2. When moving an object in wasteland, can I remove the "walk" command and allow my player to run with an object? 3. I want players to be able to save (weapons, gear and location on map). 4. Where do you change the splash screen / loading page? What's the size of the image? 5. Can you disable global voice but allow all others? 6. I want to display restart timer countdown and up time on screen all the time. Thank you for the help.