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About SinBad-OTF

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  1. SinBad-OTF

    =BTC= Revive

    Ok I fixed the vehicle spawning on top of the burning hulk problem by editing the =BTC=_functions.sqf and instead of deleting the vehicle as suggested by LordPrimate, I teleported it into the ocean. Even though LordPrimate's changes did work, the mobile spawn was never again available on the action wheel. I made an empty marker called vehspawn and put it in the ocean and then modified the =BTC=_functions.sqf file as follows: sleep BTC_mobile_respawn_time; _veh setPos (getMarkerPos "vehspawn"); sleep 0.1; _veh = _type createVehicle _pos; //SinBad
  2. SinBad-OTF

    =BTC= Revive

    Thanks Lordprimate, that did solve the respawning vehicles issue. Now when the destroyed vehicle respawns, the hint shows that mobile spawn point is again available but doesn't list via the action wheel. The map also shows the mobile spawn points as being deployed and available, so I don't know why they are no longer listed for use. If I don't use your changes and move the vehicle out of the base then destroy it, the vehicle spawns after the time limit and is available on the action wheel again. As a side note, the original vehicle remains where it was destroyed as a burned out hulk. //SinBad
  3. SinBad-OTF

    =BTC= Revive

    If a mobile respawn vehicle is destroyed at it's original spawn point and you have BTC_mobile_respawn set to "1", the respawning vehicle tries to spawn on the burning hulk and the result is the vehicle is then damaged or destroyed. Pretty much it goes into a never ending loop. Anyone seen this or know how to get around it? //SinBad
  4. SinBad-OTF

    =BTC= Revive

    Doh! You are correct, it isn't broken. Just wasn't expecting the page that came up after clicking the link. Thanks for the post, made me check it again. //SinBad
  5. SinBad-OTF

    =BTC= Revive

    Anyone have RC1 or know of a fix to this black screen of death issue? The link is broken to RC1 and no updates on this issue. Forgot to add that this deals specifically with the black screen that a player can not get out of after they die. No mobile spawns, just pretty straight forward. //SinBad