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Everything posted by jasonsco

  1. Got it sorted thanks. Now is there any option coming that i can change the "Only reserved slots left" message ?
  2. I am running BEC on the same dedicated server as the arma server. I will play about with it to see if i can get it working.
  3. BEC is running on the same box as the server ? Will try re writing the config. Or if someone has one that works 100%
  4. This is the only version, nothing in the optional seems to work at all ? even the scheduler ?
  5. It doesnt say anthing about it mate so im guessing it isnt, also thing everything in the optional is not working ?
  6. --------------------------------------------- Bec, Arma2 Server Tool V.1.498 Copyright (C) by Stian Mikalsen Email : stianmikalsen@hotmail.com Web : http://www.ibattle.org Remember to donate for more great updates! --------------------------------------------- 17:39:43 : Checking for new Bec version... 17:39:43 : Requesting login on 17:39:44 : RCon admin #1 ( logged in 17:39:45 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Initializing Bec 17:39:46 : Bec is running latest version! 17:39:52 : (Side) FriendlyInCherno: stop 17:39:57 : Player #1 GotanBCN ( connected Seems it isnt ? here is my config Everything under the optional isnt working ?
  7. No error in the log for this, so im guessing it should be connecting ?
  8. I have everything running great but when i do !nta it says that ts function isnt active. Any way i may have missed out ? it doesnt have the # in the config and all the settings are ok in the xml. The only thing i changed was making everyone be on ts before they can go on the server ?