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Everything posted by neonghillie

  1. neonghillie

    User mission requests!

    Recently i've been getting into Life missions and was wondering if there was a Utes Life map. If so, what servers should i look at? Thanks, neon
  2. Hello all! I'm new to Arma scripting and was wondering if anyone could fix this mess for me. Its supposed to spawn a random amount of random items in a supply crate. Sorry for my noobyness and thanks in advance! _rdmc = round ((random 1) 4); _rdm = round ((random 1)5); _box =_this select 0; for [rdmC] do { if (_rdm = 1) then { _box additemcargo ["itemMap",1]; }; if(_rdm = 2) then { _box additemcargo ["Binocular",1]; }; if(_rdm = 3) then { _box additemcargo ["itemGPS",1]; }; if(_rdm = 4) then { _box additemcargo ["itemFirstAidKit",1]; }; if (rdm = 5) then { _box addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_Base_F",1]; _box addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer ",1]; } };
  3. hahahhaha thanks. Forgot to get rid of that parenthesis! your help is greatly appreciated. It works now.
  4. Thanks guys. I fixed the problems but the crate still appears to be empty. Any ideas? / _rdm = round ((random 1)5); _box =_this select 0; if (_rdm == 1) then { _box additemcargo ["itemMap",1]; }; if(_rdm == 2) then { _box additemcargo ["Binocular",1]; }; if(_rdm == 3) then { _box additemcargo ["itemGPS",1]; }; if(_rdm == 4) then { _box additemcargo ["itemFirstAidKit",1]; }; if (_rdm == 5) then { _box addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_Base_F",1]; _box addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer ",1]; }; \[code]
  5. Still doesn't seem to be working. Do you think it may be a syntax error? Thanks for your input! / _rdm = round ((random 1)5); _box =_this select 0; if (_rdm = 1) then { _box additemcargo ["itemMap",1]; }; if(_rdm = 2) then { _box additemcargo ["Binocular",1]; }; if(_rdm = 3) then { _box additemcargo ["itemGPS",1]; }; if(_rdm = 4) then { _box additemcargo ["itemFirstAidKit",1]; }; if (_rdm = 5) then { _box addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_Base_F",1]; _box addmagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer ",1] };