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Posts posted by mannulus

  1. Mods are just a mess right now. If you are a Vanilla Arma 3 Milsim unit, you're fine. But if you use a good number of mods...different story. Dependencies on CBA_A3 (Which is borked-ish) or the pure fact their functions no longer work (For other mods). CSE and AGM are practically broken, and those two are HUGE mods for realistic milsim units. Now we are all waiting on ACE3.

  2. I am looking for a mod that either A.) Correctly models and makes use of a military protactor like this: ( http://www.traditioncreek.com/storefront/images/products_supplies/map_protractor.gif ) or B.) Simply adds the ability to switch the map or make the map into 8-10 digit coordinate capability.

    While there IS mods out there that add protractors, they are modeled differently or made incorrectly. The protractor should be able to be used on most custom maps (Or at the least, maps from AiA) not just Altis and Stratis.

    I would also like the protactor to be modeled for reading the map left to right and up. Unlike currently where A3 has it backwards.


  3. Another question. Since AGM and CSE are no longer being updated, what is going to happen after the update tomorrow? These mods will probably break or mess up somehow due to the scope of the update tomorrow. ACE3 is apparently not coming out for at least another 2-3 weeks. Will AGM/CSE get one more update to keep it functioning regardless or will ACE3 magically appear as a DL link on the 9th/10th or what?

    ACE3 is obviously a huge scoped mod with many expectations and quality, which I am sure that it will be filled. I am just worried about what milsim units are going to do without CSE and AGM for now.

  4. Alright, but go ahead and remove your 405th MID mod. You no longer have permission to publish addons using the mod as a dependency. Should be no problem since you no longer want to be associated with the TEI mod.

    *Slowly begins to facepalm*

    And to answer the other posts, I am not trying to be outright disrespectful, I just find it disheartening that whatever the situation is (with what little is known) has been blown to this level of proportions in a public setting is most distasteful. But I am sure my comments on the matter are quite the same.

  5. A few issues I noticed. None of the army groups are spawnable. The russian halftrack thing (whatever it is called) crashes the game.

    Also, couldn't you just combine the essential patches into the mod and leave the DLC patches seperate? Seems like a lot of work just for this. Though the end result was worth it.

  6. This is just saddening and stupid at the same time. For the people pulling out of the mod, you're a fool. I hope every mod team out there sees this topic so they know how trustworthy you really are. TEI is probably one of the most original concept mods (in terms of content, not originality). Never before has there been a Halo mod in Arma (that I am aware of) and you all want to throw it away over an argument. 0/10 lost faith.

  7. Just finished going over what the new Asymmetric Warfare is going to be in ALiVE. My body is not ready for this amazing stuff.

    I do have to ask a question. I can't for the life of me get persistence to work on my server. I set up all the modules and turned on persistence for all the ones that have it, yet my server does not register on the War Room. I think it has to do something with the setup itself.

    Can you go more in depth with the War Room Server setup? Maybe I am just oblivious to something.

  8. Oh, and i hope that we wil have m4/m4a1s and m16s with m203s too, but i' m sure that this is already in your plans.

    I agree with this so much. I especially like the way the M16 looks WITH a M203.

    Specifically, like this:



    On a side note, I have noticed several things regarding the MRAP (not sure if mentioned yet). The driver sits so low in the seat compared to everyone else. Secondly, if in 1st Person while driving the MRAP, all you can hear is what sounds like the tires screeching or "locked up" while the vehicle goes forward. It was so bad I decided to just have my unit use basic non armored HMMWV's for our patrol that day.

    Anyone else have info on this issue?

    Finally, what would I have to do to have the wonderful RHS team increase the armor and load capability of the IOTV's some more? My actual IOTV currently holds 8 mags (3 double's in the front with two singles on the side) with a few pouches on the sides (For like my IFAK and all that good stuff). Ingame I can only carry a few mags and 2 frags + 2 smokes and that is about it.

  9. So recently in my community we realized that we couldn't hear each other's weapon shots. To make it more strange, SOME people can hear certain individuals while others cannot.

    The mods we use right now are:





















    (PLus optional mods like Dragonfyre, st_hud, etc)

    Any ideas on a remedy?
