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About Orionche

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  1. Orionche

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Hi there. :) Me and a couple of clan buddies tried this on for a few days now and we like it for the most part. One of us would setup a server on his end and we'd connect via IP. Its a work in progress, I get it, so on to the bugs and suggestions. :) 1. One major bug we experienced was after about 3 hours of playtime if we die in a vehicle we'll be ejected out and stuck in a prone immobilized/injured/unconscious position. Something also triggers immortality and you can't die at all. Respawn and save options get greyed out, screwing our progress for that night. Map says "Orion is down" with a red marker. I've tried drowning, didn't work. I tried getting blown up in a vehicle again (you can enter vehicles with no problem), however that only fixed the prone immobilized position. So now I could run and kill everything I want and get no damage. :) 2. When playing solo (and possibly with 2-3 other people, haven't tested) AI will reset to default spawn positions around the objectives after the player is killed. If we all don't have UAV's with tags enabled, we're basically stuck trying to find 1-2 AI in the whole city for 30+ minutes. 3. Static emplacements, attack heli's, Mobile AA's, tanks, IFV's, SPG's don't attack the player with their main guns or EXTREMELY rarely. We generally play on Regular or Veteran difficulty and so far only the Ifrits and boats have been causing trouble. 4. Ghost mode option for the admin needs to be moved somewhere else. Its text is stuck under the crosshair all the time unless I select something else. Consider it a low priority item. 5. If teleport option is ON, a notification should be visible on the HUD at all times. We've had some hilarious accidents with people not knowing its on whilst driving a vehicle. :D 6. If the ammo truck at the main airfield is supposed to rearm your vehicles, its not doing a very good job. We hijacked a attack heli from the AI a couple of times and so far it only rearmed flares, doesn't matter if the area is taken or not. Repair and refuel work, I've been told. :) 7. AI squads should be tweaked a bit and their weapon loadout adjusted. I've killed 5 Assistant machine gunners with a truckload of ammo to one machine gunner. Seems a bit silly. (Mostly I just want the Zafir to spawn more often since you don't give me faction LMG's :p) 8. Airfield aircraft spawns need to be tweaked. We've had one heli spawn right next to a tree and one jet that was a bitch to move to the runway because of all the uneven terrain. Tighten them or just use 1-2 loot location. Overall its been enjoyable and works well in a casual environment. While the concept of "save the loot!" might work for 32 players, it fails a bit when it comes to 4-5 players. We just restock from the enemy and move on. :) I'll see if I remember anything else.
  2. Orionche

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Loving the mod, I've introduced it to a couple of clanmates and having fun with it. I/we have one problem. How in gods name do you open crates? I've read in the thread and saw a video of the guy doing it, but no amount of face hugging or "i" pressing solves the issue. Some shove their heads into the model and this works sometimes. I have yet to see the contents of any crate. :> This is the only frustrating thing about this mod. Any ideas? :)