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Everything posted by baloo666

  1. In other words from me can we erase it whitout breaking anything?
  2. Yea its a nice map, but same problem as above :/
  3. does BangaBob come in mint condition? :D epic work banga am useing all ur scripts! nice nice!!
  4. baloo666

    Neo's Revive Script

    Hey neo nice work love all the alternatives of revive scripts, love this except i cant get it to respawn neither in sp or mp, any helpfull info i might missed(sry if i didt). i die and becomes uncon no respawn abilities. if press esc. normal menu appears, press respawn countdown timer from BIS applies and then unit raises and falls uncon again :( its a loop it wont leave. what to do? Best regards baloo
  5. Great epic work!!!! and biggest thanks to Brians200 for bothering porting this to arma 3 much pro m8.
  6. I do remember its a game "on the computer" :). yea the khat is common used and its a bit scary cuz they allmost gain super powers for a short while unless its a straight vital kill :s
  7. maybe just ignore the game, and come back in three months with an open mind, and a better, positive attitude, given that BIS is run by humans, not by God, who can click fingers and make stuff happen. <------ LOVE IT cuz when you do you have to explore again find out whats new etc. Its like a brand new game evry time you do that :D As a combat medic ive seen and heard people have taken shots to the body still manage to turn around empty thire clips in rage and then run away whit the rest of the group+ seen poeple takeing a shot to the elbov fall down screaming "im dieing", so please some 1 define "realistic". btw for the distance, well if a human can shoot of the head of an legoman on 400 meters why should AI not be abble to shoot you in the pelvis at 200 meters, after aming at you for 5 seconds. Which it ruffly will take in real life, from seening the enemy to fireing the first aimed shot. I am supriced how terrible they shoot some times. Maybe they should lower the fire rate to 1-2 shots then a burst or something, no many army`s shoot whit thíer rifles on auto....
  8. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Err how to? otherwise ive created a little test for it, PLEASE DONT MIND the task names its all gribberish i just copied pasted only changed the relevant info in taskadd. shoot the first civ to the left of the soldier then kill soldier then civ2 till u get the error. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o8rl40prquiei0z/Grinder.Altis.pbo pending on if i use ur original task tracker i get the error in line 648 and if i use that other dude`s who didt something to ur epic good work i get it in Line 661. 1 last thing if i wanna remove ur tasks on the fly, then how to? :S
  9. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hey any 1 here experinced any problems whit only being abble to add 3 task on the fly and not more? ive tried to script it trigger it and now im about to shoot it..... no matter how i do it it just wont let me add more then 3 task well 3 times atleast. I can add like 4 even 10 tasks at time but only 3 times :(
  10. hehe yea that`s the problem, how to implement the given eksamples into the script, given ive bin reading most tutorials about scripting im still confused and a newb that`s why i turn to you guy`s :) eks: this is taken from "Editor based AI spawn script by trigger" maybe out of context but its where the given error is and im just not clever enough to figure it out. // Set all the things common to the spawned unit _spawnUnit setDir _unitDir; _spawnUnit setSkill _unitSkill; _spawnUnit setUnitRank _unitRank; if (_spawntype == "once" OR _spawntype == "repeated") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName; if (vehiclevarname _spawnUnit != "") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleInit format["%1=this;",_unitName]; processInitCommands; }; }; } forEach _unitArray; ////////////the first part is the first error before spawned given its filled whit removed commands.//////////////// } forEach _waypointsArray; // Setting the leaders init and the groups body removal time (vehicle (leader _newGroup)) setVehicleInit _initString; processInitCommands; // Run the cleanup function for this group [_newGroup, _bodyRemove] spawn _fnc_cleanGroup; // Have to return the new group _newGroup; }; this part after spawn. first well its the name to remember given in editor second is the init field. any idea to implement so what i write in initfiled in editor is rememberd by the script?.
  11. Thanks Myke i allways end up gettin confused where to do what so i hoped it was right wich it wassent :( Ty once again.
  12. Hey as many noticed and even more knew whit the last update some scripts stopped working, in particular "Editor based AI spawn script by trigger" stopped working. So i followed the error`s and corrected them, what happent was i simply removed the initfield and name memory whit the changes i made. It works now well semi works, i get no error`s on it but it wont rebmember the unit name and init field. Any 1 got an idea to get this to work 100% again? or co work whit me so i can suck some knowlege out of it? this script is the only reason to i can be bothered doing this editor, it saves lots of time for me so i can work on nice details instead :D Any kind of help is appriciated. to the authour in case he se this im not trying to take credits for it if i ever make it all credits to Murklor & ArmAIIholic i merly just want to edit again it is amazing to work whit scripts and se the effect when it finaly comes togheter.. Thank you in advance.
  13. err maybe i should lern how to eplain my self a bit better :) ive only played coop in this game thats why i havent bin discovered it yet and i will probebly never play pvp for the same reason (hacks). and i love to edit, it is fun and a good time killer. Bin useing community made scripts in every mission made, after the update some of the importants for me is the "Editor based AI spawn script by trigger", it is awsome but now i cant use it anymore, cuz it wont rebmember init field and name so have to lern it the hard way and i allready use to much time on it. So to ease it up a little i used that script to call enemys to the field. i tryed to edit the script a bit my self made it work again thats how i found out about the name and initfield.
  14. it is so sad to se a game lose the quiality over some dump punks, i have played this game for years well(arma 2) and now arma 3. I have the deluxe edition and was going to buy they supporter edition now im thinkin of ripping some dude of his money by selling him arma 3....
  15. I am on my crying knees here begging for help :(
  16. baloo666

    Err..What is Arma 3? [Dumb Question Alert]

    yea im sorry mate they had it not so long ago, i where not 100 sure when i said it so i apologize for that i bought it up when it was released so didnt have to check for free versions :S. it was a mate of mine who said it. sry
  17. baloo666

    Err..What is Arma 3? [Dumb Question Alert]

    Download the free version try it out and it will show you what it is:)
  18. baloo666

    unrealistic tracers need strong rework

    What size bullet`s didt you use in millimeter ?
  19. baloo666

    Urban Patrol Script

    wont work after last update.
  20. hey sry about that stupid question i had earlyer, this script is indeed a piece of art is it possible to get it portet to arma3? i had it running but after this last update it wont work anymore :( tryed some spawning scripts and none of them work:(
  21. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    cool well was just an idea :)
  22. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    btw i was thinking of an idea, and dont have any clue of what it means or dont or what it implies. But would it be easyer to just write some sort of addon script to the current task tracker that way you wont have to mess whit the original, and all it has to do is as an minimum get the current task when jip. if theres allready an code for that some sort of thing then im sorry for my noobness and would really like to have it :) because then my dreams would be forfilled. ps. can i have it?..... your picture :) .........hehe
  23. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    ONLY FOR COMPARE but when thats done you will become (to me) what justin bieber is to 12 year old girls ;D your nr 1 fan.
  24. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    ty i acctually didnt know :) but didt destroy some of my ideas to work around it :( im still newb.
  25. baloo666

    FHQ TaskTracker

    so what if you call disabledAI like 10 or 20 (if that would make any diffrence?) seconds into the game somehow, could that do any diffrence? i know they are now dead but they where there to begin whit.