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Posts posted by djporternz

  1. @Dark1: If you play on one particular server and you know the IP you can still connect via the remote button at the bottom of the browser. Yes it's a bit of a PITA atm, but Bohemia are on this and once the community has migrated to the new system we will once again be able to play the best game in the world.

    On another note, does anyone know how I change the 'reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";' to get it to use the new system??? Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Never mind. It does it all 'magically' by itself it seems.

  2. I'm coming from this the other way. I had no experience with the ArmA franchise before A3. It only came to my attention after a friend passed along some links to videos by Dslyecxi and Jester812, and I decided that I wanted some of that! When searching to purchase it I found out that A3 had just been released via Steam as an alpha product so took the risk and payed over the cash to catch that ride. Almost 2k hours in, and It has become my go-to game.

    Thought there might be something in the previous versions, so plumped for one of the 'Everything ArmA' Steam deals and got the lot. Added ACE + ACRE as soon as I saw them, and well, It's ACE + ACRE! Plus there is content for just about everything I've every seen or imagined. It still looks clunky in comparison to A3, especially the animations, but that doesn't fact too much in my 1PP world.

    Recently been playing with the @A3MP and All-in-ArmA mods. These are a fair approximation to a perfect symbiosis. Still no ACE and I don't see anything as complete as that on the horizon, but ACRE works (after a fashion) and there are now some other credible alternates.

    I don't think an outright usurption of A2 by A3 can or will ever occur. They both are what they are. I'll still prefer A3 over A2 simply because that is the way I came across them. But even though it is an older product, A2 is still credible in it's own right.

  3. If we can't delete the original building, can we move the sunken copy away out of scope. i.e. can we send it somewhere far enough away that the engine will ignore it.

    Hmm... I'm inclined to think that there is some 'feature' of the engine that we're not privvy to at play here. I don't see BI just sitting on this if there was any other possible way of doing things.

  4. Took a look at the first video posted. I'm impressed. Looks incredible. But so do the shiny flyers that come through my mail slot.

    Had a look around at some of the other videos of actual use of the engine, and it looks remarkably similar to what have with the current ArmA 3 engine. In some places it looks even a little less impressive than we have. Each serves its respective audience well. We've still got ACE/ACRE to look forward to (hopefully ;-) ) and a truck load of user created content and assets to look forward to. I don't think we'll do too bad.

    That being said, there are some VBS things I need right now!

    I'd even settle for the terrain editor they get to use. Please... Pretty please.... BI.... Are you there?

  5. [NOTE: I don't have ArmA1 so can't check how the mission above represents the hit markers, but I'll jump in anyway!]

    I knew I had a script that I used to do something similar during alpha/beta, but had to find it and then check that it still worked. I've checked this on the current dev build only, so YMMV.

    To test simply create two targets in the editor. Name one anything you like and add the init: This addEventHandler ["HitPart", "_this execVM 'Scripts\Range\Accuracy.sqf'"];

    (Check the path on that init and change as needed.)

    The second target is named 'pt1_0'. No init needed. You can 'this allowDamage false;' if you have to ;-)

    create the marker: Empty > Objects (Helpers) > Sphere (10cm)

    and name it 'Hit_Ind'. It can be placed anywhere on the map as it's position is what is updated.

    You'll already have placed down someone to shoot at the target, right?!

    Copy and save the code below to a file: Accuracy.sqf

    Save and preview in the editor.

    // Accuracy Marker using "HitPart" Event Handler
    //NOTE: Known to be have been buggy in dedicated MP (late 2012). Current status unknown.
    //Add this init to target shot at 
    //Init: This addEventHandler ["HitPart", "_this execVM 'Scripts\Range\Accuracy.sqf'"];
    // Returned from "HitPart" EH: TYPE ARRAY [[target, shooter, bullet, position, velocity, selection, ammo, direction, radius, surface, direct]]
    //target: Object - Object that got injured/damaged.
    //shooter: Object - Unit that inflicted the damage. If injured by a vehicle impact or a fall the target itself is returned, or, in case of explosions, the null object. In case of explosives that were planted by someone (e.g. satchel charges), that unit is returned.
    //bullet: Object - Object that was fired.
    //position: Position3D - Position the bullet impacted (ASL).
    //velocity: Vector3D - 3D speed at which bullet impacted.
    //selection: Array - Array of Strings with named selection of the object that were hit.
    //ammo: Array - Ammo info: [hit value, indirect hit value, indirect hit range, explosive damage, ammo class name] OR, if there is no shot object: [impulse value on object collided with,0,0,0]
    //direction: Vector3D - vector that is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the surface struck. For example, if a wall was hit, vector would be pointing out of the wall at a 90 degree angle.
    //radius: Number - Radius (size) of component hit.
    //surface: String - Surface type struck.
    //direct: Boolean - true if object was directly hit, false if it was hit by indirect/splash damage.
    private ["_array", "_unit", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection",
    "_ammo", "_direction", "_radius", "_surface", "_direct", "_PositionASL", "_PosASL_1", "_PosASL_2", "_PosASL_3", "_Position_1", "_Position_2", "_Position_3", "_A", "_B", "_C",
    "_PosASL_PT1_0", "_PosASL_PT1_0_X", "_PosASL_PT1_0_Y", "_PosASL_PT1_0_Z", "_D", "_E", "_F", "_G", "_H", "_I", "_PosASL_PT1_99", "_PosASL_PT1_99_X", "_PosASL_PT1_99_Y", "_PosASL_PT1_99_Z", "_J", "_K", "_L"];
    _array = _this Select 0;
    _unit = _array Select 0;
    _shooter = _array Select 1;
    _bullet = _array Select 2;
    _position = _array Select 3;
    _velocity = _array Select 4;
    _selection = _array Select 5;
    _ammo = _array Select 6;
    _direction = _array Select 7;
    _radius = _array Select 8;
    _surface = _array Select 9;
    _direct = _array Select 10;
    _PositionASL = getPosASL _unit;
    _PosASL_1 = _PositionASL Select 0;
    _PosASL_2 = _PositionASL Select 1;
    _PosASL_3 = _PositionASL Select 2;
    //hintc format ["X: %1 Y: %2 Z: %3",_PosASL_1,_PosASL_2,_PosASL_3];
    _Position_1 = _Position Select 0;
    _Position_2 = _Position Select 1;
    _Position_3 = _Position Select 2;
    //hintc format ["X: %1 Y: %2 Z: %3",_Position_1,_Position_2,_Position_3];
    //Reference Target 1
    _A = _Position_1-_PosASL_1;
    _B = _Position_2-_PosASL_2;
    _C = _Position_3-_PosASL_3;
    //hintc format ["X: %1 Y: %2 Z: %3",_A,_B,_C];
    _PosASL_PT1_0 = getPosASL PT1_0;
    _PosASL_PT1_0_X = _PosASL_PT1_0 Select 0;
    _PosASL_PT1_0_Y = _PosASL_PT1_0 Select 1;
    _PosASL_PT1_0_Z = _PosASL_PT1_0 Select 2;
    _D = _PosASL_PT1_0_X+_A;
    _E = _PosASL_PT1_0_Y+_B;
    _F = _PosASL_PT1_0_Z+_C;
    // Hit_Ind is object type: Empty > Objects (Helpers) > Sphere (10cm)
    Hit_Ind setposASL [_D,_E,_F];
    playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\blip1.wav", player, false, getPos player, 1, 1, 0]

    Hopefully this will get you where you want to go...


  6. Love the mission, but mostly I love the use of dialogs.

    If I could make one request, would you ever consider doing an in-depth tutorial on how to construct dialogs. I've been fighting with the BI wiki pages and anything I can find on the forums, but seem to be running in circles.

  7. Using =BTC=_revive version 0.93 RC 6 on release version of ArmA3 (v1.00). Revive script works when running from within the client but does not run at all on dedicated server.

    Same result using the =BTC=_revive.Stratis test mission.

    All that happens is an instantaneous respawn back at base with no options.

    Also, may or may not be related, but Mobile respawns are no longer showing their labels.

  8. Just started playing with 1.9 and must say that I'm liking it a lot (not that I didn't like the previous versions just as much).

    I don't know how hard it would be to add to EOS, but I was playing on an Altis Domi map and they had a helo fly over an active AO and drop infantry by parachute. I know you have a helo infantry insertion already, but the para drop did look kinda awesome!

  9. A brilliant set of scripts there. Really like the interactive whiteboard.

    Had a quick play with the heli door script to see what/how it was doing it's magic, and got out my big hammer and adapted it to also handle the other helos with doors. Code is probably not optimised as much as it could be, but feel free to use it or adapt it as you see fit.

    //  Simple Heli Door Script v1.03                                             //
    //  Execute from any compatible Helicopter init field:                        //
    //  0 = [this] execVM "scripts\b2_heliDoors.sqf";                             //
    //                                                                            //
    //  Inspired by Heli Door Open Script by Delta 1 Actual                       //
    //  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21969                                //
    //                                                                            //
    //  Compatible Aircraft                                                       //
    //  UH-80 Ghost Hawk                                                          //
    //  CH-49 Mohawk                                                              //
    //  Mi-48 Kajman                                                              //
    private ["_veh","_alt","_speed"];
    _veh = _this select 0;
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    switch (typeof _veh) do {
    // UH-80 Ghost Hawk
    case "B_Heli_Transport_01_F": {
       while {alive _veh} do {
         sleep 0.5;
         _alt = getPos _veh select 2;
         _speed = (sqrt ((velocity _veh select 0)^2 + (velocity _veh select 1)^2 + (velocity _veh select 2)^2));
         if ((_alt < 8) && (_speed < 12)) then {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
         } else {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
    // UH-80 Ghost Hawk (Camo)
    case "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F": {
       while {alive _veh} do {
         sleep 0.5;
         _alt = getPos _veh select 2;
         _speed = (sqrt ((velocity _veh select 0)^2 + (velocity _veh select 1)^2 + (velocity _veh select 2)^2));
         if ((_alt < 8) && (_speed < 12)) then {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
         } else {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
     // CH-49 Mohawk
     case "I_Heli_Transport_02_F": {
       while {alive _veh} do {
         sleep 0.5;
         _alt = getPos _veh select 2;
         _speed = (sqrt ((velocity _veh select 0)^2 + (velocity _veh select 1)^2 + (velocity _veh select 2)^2));
         if ((_alt < 8) && (_speed < 12)) then {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_back_R',1]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_back_L',1];
           _veh animate ['CargoRamp_Open',1];
         } else {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_back_R',0]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_back_L',0];
           _veh animate ['CargoRamp_Open',0];
     // Mi-48 Kajman
     case "O_Heli_Attack_02_F": {
       while {alive _veh} do {
         sleep 0.5;
         _alt = getPos _veh select 2;
         _speed = (sqrt ((velocity _veh select 0)^2 + (velocity _veh select 1)^2 + (velocity _veh select 2)^2));
         if ((_alt < 8) && (_speed < 12)) then {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
         } else {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
     // Mi-48 Kajman (Black)
     case "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F": {
       while {alive _veh} do {
         sleep 0.5;
         _alt = getPos _veh select 2;
         _speed = (sqrt ((velocity _veh select 0)^2 + (velocity _veh select 1)^2 + (velocity _veh select 2)^2));
         if ((_alt < 8) && (_speed < 12)) then {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
         } else {
           _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; 
           _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];

  10. We implemented a system just like this when we were running the Ahoy World Domination mission for this very reason :) I can take no credit for the original code (send that to the Ahoy World coders) or even the first modifications, but I have looked after the code for the last few iterations.

    We based our system on a modified pilotCheck.sqf:

         ::: ::: :::             ::: :::             ::: 
        :+: :+:   :+:           :+:   :+:           :+:  
       +:+ +:+     +:+         +:+     +:+         +:+   
      +#+ +#+       +#+       +#+       +#+       +#+    
     +#+ +#+         +#+     +#+         +#+     +#+     
    #+# #+#           #+#   #+#           #+#   #+#      
    ### ###             ### ###             ### ###      
    Creating working missions of this complexity from
    scratch is difficult and time consuming, please
    credit [url]http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk[/url] for creating and
    distibuting this mission when hosting!
    This version of Domination was lovingly crafted by
    Jack Williams (Rarek) for Ahoy World!
    _AllowPilots = ["B_Helipilot_F", "O_helipilot_F", "CAF_439_Pilot"];
    while {true} do {
    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player};
    if (!((typeof player) in _AllowPilots)) then {
    	private "_v";
    	while {alive player} do {
    		waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player != player};
    		_v = vehicle player;
    		if (_v isKindOf "Helicopter" && !(_v isKindOf "ParachuteBase")) then {
    			if (driver _v == player) then {
    				player action ["eject", _v];
    				waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player == player};
    				player action ["engineOff", _v];
    				hint "You must be a pilot to fly!\nJoin Us @ http://2rbmilsim.us/";
    } else {
    	waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player};

    Our changes here simply extracted the allowed roles out into the _AllowPilots array. The rest is unchanged except for the hint message.

    Added to this are the files rblock.sqf and rblock2.sqf:

    // FILE: rblock.sqf
    /* Checks if the player attempting to get in pilot seat of AH9 or Ka60 helicopter is both a pilot
      and is whitelisted in the _SOAR list of player UIDs. Add more UIDs to the list as follows 
      ["UID", "nextuid", "lastuid"]
      Use with care, PV2 Rivers [2nd RB]
    _SOAR = [/* 2nd Ranger Battalion
    Last Updated: Thursday, 23rd May, 2013
    Updated By: PFC Porter, David [2nd RB] */
    "76561198089xxxxxx"/* PFC Porter, David [2nd RB] */,
    "76561198089xxxxxy"/* db */];
    _AirRoles = ["B_Helipilot_F", "O_helipilot_F", "CAF_439_Pilot"];
    _RestrictAir = ["B_AH9_F", "O_Ka60_F"];
    while {true} do {
    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player};
    if (!((getPlayerUID player) in _SOAR) && ((typeof player) in _AirRoles)) then {
    	private "_v";
    	while {alive player} do {
    		waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player != player};
    		_v = vehicle player;
         _t = typeof _v;
    		if (_t in _RestrictAir) then {
    			if (driver _v == player) then {
    				player action ["eject", _v];
    				waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player == player};
    				player action ["engineOff", _v];
    				hint "Authorized 2nd RB Pilots Only!\nJoin Us @ http://2rbmilsim.us/";
    } else {
    	waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player};

    // FILE: rblock2.sqf
    /* Checks if the player attempting to get in driver seat of armed vehicles
      is whitelisted in the _SOAR list of player UIDs. Add more UIDs to the list as follows 
      ["UID", "nextuid", "lastuid"]
      Use with care, PV2 Rivers [2nd RB]
    _SOAR = [/* 2nd Ranger Battalion
    Last Updated: Thursday, 23rd May, 2013
    Updated By: PFC Porter, David [2nd RB] */
    "76561198089xxxxxx"/* PFC Porter, David [2nd RB] */,
    "76561198089xxxxxy"/* db */];
    _RestrictLandSea = ["B_Hunter_HMG_F", "B_Hunter_RCWS_F", "B_SpeedBoat", "O_Ifrit_MG_F", "O_Ifrit_GMG_F", "O_SpeedBoat"];
    while {true} do {
    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player};
    if !((getPlayerUID player) in _SOAR) then {
    	private "_v","_t";
    	while {alive player} do {
    		waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player != player};
    		_v = vehicle player;
         _t = typeof _v;
    		if (_t in _RestrictLandSea) then {
    			if ((driver _v == player) or (gunner _v == player)) then {
    				player action ["eject", _v];
    				waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player == player};
    				player action ["engineOff", _v];
    				hint "Authorized 2nd RB Drivers/Gunners Only!\nJoin Us @ http://2rbmilsim.us/";
    } else {
    	waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player};

    To use this code, add the following init line to any playable unit

    nul = [] execVM "pilotCheck.sqf"; nul = [] execVM "rblock.sqf"; nul = [] execVM "rblock2.sqf"; this addMPEventHandler ["mprespawn",{nul = [] execVM "pilotCheck.sqf"; nul = [] execVM "rblock.sqf"; nul = [] execVM "rblock2.sqf";}];

    Current Restriction Rules:

    • Only Pilots can fly! Must be in a Pilot slot in the mission. {Currently: MH-9 / Ka60_Unarmed}
    • Only UNIT Pilots can fly CAS aircraft {Currently: AH-9 / Ka60}
    • Any Role Assignment may drive unarmed vehicles {Currently: Hunter / Ifrit / Quadbike / Offroad / Assualtboat / Lifeboat / Rubberboat}
    • Only UNIT Members can be Driver/Gunner in armed vehicles {Currently: Hunter HMG/GMG / Ifrit MG/GMG / Speedboat}
    • ATM no distinction is made between BLUFOR / OPFOR roles or vehicles (i.e. Captured serviceable vehicles and helicopters can be used by units of either side if allowed by the other restrictions.)

    To be honest, this method feels a bit kludgy, but I haven't found a better way yet.

  11. ... I can't wrap my head around your statement saying it worked in VAS 1.0 but not 1.1 because logically it shouldn't work in 1.0 or 1.1 but then again the ARMA engine doesn't do things logically.

    Sorry, my mistake. You are correct, the problem occurs in both 1.0 and 1.1. Somewhere along the lines I had reverted back to 0.9 thinking it was 1.0.

    Have passed your observations on to the CAF modders.

    The Ghillie fix is great, too. I can't for the life of me work out why everyone on my server suddenly wants to be a sniper... or why they want to look like a Wooky while they're doing it!

  12. We started our training last night without any problems, than a player gets in with the "infection", yes we tried it unlocked even though we knew it could happen.

    Put the msg up that the server would be locked (wednesday and sunday evenings the server is full) if they want to keep playing the needed to get on our TS.

    We restarted the server and everybody restarted theire game, locked the server and the server was still full with players, everybody who joined TS was "orderd" to restart the game before joining the game(just to make sure) and we had alot of fun.

    Anoying yes, but if it is needed than it is needed to lock a good server, we all respect that we are in Alpha an know this could happen at some point, for us we are just happy to paticipate in the Alpha testing for ARMA3 we enjoy it as it is now and know it will become only better in the near future :)

    Just want to make sure I'm understanding this right, all I need to do is set a password for the server and Get everyone to restart before connecting to fix this "problem"?
