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Everything posted by owesome

  1. owesome

    3D editor issue? plz help

    Same problem here. U using any mods? We are using a few ACE latest steam version CBA also latest steam version BWmod 1.3.2 Black Wasp 0.93 Task Force Radio 0.9.8 Maybe we have a few similar mods? Probaly a few of them just need an update.
  2. It works flawless with the standard vehicles - thanks for that. Is there a command to include other "not default" vehicles from other mod, to be able to slingload them with the script.
  3. Thank you so much for your work TeTeT. Its freakin awesome and Im looking forward for your future updates.
  4. A big THANK YOU to the whole development team, you are awesome. Thanks for make this happen
  5. owesome

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Hey randomslap, first of all thanks for this awesome mod. We still use it a lot in our group. As far as I understood the C17 is going to be a part of the USAF Mod in the future. Is there an approximate time frame when this will happen? :) Since we playing only in first person, it would be nice for the pilot to have sort of an indicator when the cargo is detached. Like a countdown which counts the last 5 seconds till its detached or just a shot message - something like that. Keep up the good work Cheers Edit: Is it also possible with an init command to spawn the C-17 with an open cargo door?
  6. I know its quite a while. Any updates?
  7. owesome

    Init Tab

    Hi since a long time I have problems with the initialization of the init tab field in Multiplayer. I made a few custom crates and using the init field to fill them with my stuff. Nothing complicated - I'm using usually a "Supply Box" When I preview the mission in the editor it works always fine. When a friend or me start the server, its a chance of 50/50 that the crate is initialized correct or not. Is there any way to improve this somehow? Where does this issue come from? Thanks in advance
  8. owesome

    Init Tab

    Aweome, thanks again. Its always good to know the backround. Just started with editing a few month ago and usually most things are already asked and I just can adapt them. The issue with the init tab was a tough one for me. Tried it with loadout sqfs etc. but never came to a solid solution. Now I know how and maybe more important why! ;) Thanks again I really appreciate your help.
  9. owesome

    Init Tab

    It works like a charm now. Thanks a lot SavageCDN
  10. owesome

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Hi, Im sure this has been already asked, but I couldn't find anything. Id like to add the "lifter ability" for a vehicle from a mod (the Puma from the BWMOD). The Chinook can lift for example the standard IFVs but not the Puma. Is there any command I can put into the Init field of the Puma that this vehicle can also be lifed? Thanks guys
  11. Hi all, I wanted to create a marker on a unit which shows approximately the area the unit and updates all 2min on the map. I created a marker (marker_convoy) and a keyunit where the area marker it sticked to. (car_marker) What I currently do is this in the init.sqf This works approximately as it should - but what I would like to, is a marker which is not centered on the unit, it should show more the rough position of it. I found a script which seems to be exactly what I want to... but I don't get it how to implement this in my mission. (https://gist.github.com/Fusselwurm/9862871) Can someone help me with that? Regarding using scripts Im really a noob. :(
  12. owesome

    Fuzzy Area Marker

    Thanks a lot man! Works as a charm - awesome! :bounce3:
  13. This is really one of the best mods for ARMA. Thanks for the last update. We always use MCC to adjust missions on the fly. Yesteday we had something strange. Every unit we spawned with MCC (they were set to agressive) did not shoot. Also a SOD waypoint didn't change that. We were playing as independent - the environment settings in the editor were set that just NATO in friendly to us. Does someone have an idea what we were doing wrong? All OPFOR-Units that were placed in editor before behave just as they should.
  14. Hi ;) most of our buddy's are fine with ACRE. 2 ppl have the problem that the transmission via radio just works for ~10min. With direct communication there is no problem, even after hours. We already changed the settings in "Hotkeys" to direct input. There popupwindow that he is transmitting via radio still comes up, but without any radiobeep. Maybe someone has a clue what we can try else. Thanks in advance.
  15. We playing with this mod every week end. Made it like a real campaign were we getting paid for each task, so we can buy better weapons/vehicles etc. and upgrade our HQ. Without this mod this would be half the fun. So thank you so much for that.
  16. Cant wait for ACRE. Playing in a team without ACRE is just half as fun as with ACRE. Get the same error as you Moon_chilD. But ACRE works so far. An issue we have is that after a few minutes the radio transmiting isnt working anymore... ;( Direct communication works always. Its definately not the distance. We stand around 10m aways from each other. When restarting TS it works again for a few minutes. Has anyone an idea how to fix that?
  17. owesome

    [PvP 5 - beta] Manhunt

    Very nice mission. Me and my buddys already had a lot of fun with it. Big improvement that the GMG Striders were removed. Also the two other added parameters (daytime and marker refresh time) are very nice to have. Thx a lot for this
  18. owesome

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Thanks guys for this awesome mod. IMHO the best weapon mod currently out there.
  19. owesome

    Another123 Missions for ArmA3

    Any chances that you include the ability to revive to that mission? Played it with 3 buddys but one died far often. Mission looks very good so far and revive would make it perfect. ;)
  20. owesome

    Operation Fallen Star Coop 2-8p

    Very nice mission. Thanks for that. We played this mission yesterday as 3 ppl. Took us around 1:30 with some very intense firefights.