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Posts posted by chenhaoyu

  1. Having purchased the Alpha on steam and had no problems launching the game I can say as a fan of the series since the launch of OFP I was overwhelmed by my experience today. There will come a time for criticism of this release but for now the developers deserve my gushing praise.

    - It runs beautifully! Remarkable improvements over Arma 2 on my mid-range machine, something entirely new to me in my experience with Arma games.

    - It feels amazing! From the recoil of the firearms to the fluidity of the animations, I cannot believe what you have acheived in this regard.

    - It sounds authentic! I love what you have done with the chat, it sounds much more fluid and the introduction of names instead of just numbers is a huge improvement.

    - It has enormous potential! I can hardly wait to see the modding scene by the time this hits beta.

    It has been a rough ride as a fan of the Arma series, and I admit that I had my doubts over this project; but I wish you all the success you deserve with this title. May your critics be stunned by the amount of polish you have put into this.

    - It runs beautifully! Remarkable improvements over Arma 2 on my mid-range machine, something entirely new to me in my experience with Arma games.

    - It feels amazing! From the recoil of the firearms to the fluidity of the animations, I cannot believe what you have acheived in this regard.

    - It sounds authentic! I love what you have done with the chat, it sounds much more fluid and the introduction of names instead of just numbers is a huge improvement.

    - It has enormous potential! I can hardly wait to see the modding scene by the time this hits beta.

    ---------- Post added at 05:07 ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 ----------

    Yeah! I like this
