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Everything posted by Sandman666

  1. Sandman666

    Swedish Army Mod 3 (SAM)

    Hi again! Sorry for my last post being in Swedish, was so excited about the SAM mod that I didnt think ahead... :) Anyway, me and my group Arma 3 Kronor uses a lot of different mods, but not ACE3 yet. However, we are using AGM (version 0.953) and if I would be guessing thats what makes the option disappear in multiplayer. It works just fine in the editor. Its enough for me that you acknowledged that there is a problem and that you are aware and looking into it. Then I know that its not my installation that is corrupt :) Anyway - keep up the good work, your mod is great!
  2. Sandman666

    Swedish Army Mod 3 (SAM)

    Grym mod! Ser fram emot framtida utveckling. Kort fråga - hur får jag airburst/delay funktionen på HE till Carl-Gustaf att funka på egna multiplayer .pbo´s? Är det en modul?