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About dennybop

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  1. i,m kinda disapointed. then again im not. i like the graphics and stuff but dont have the simulation feeling from arma 2. more like opperation flashpoint dragon rising... but modderately (?) better. experience of the game will probally change once i've joined a squad/ clan whatever. with dlc and expansions... this game will improve, give it some time. overal: good, hopes high for the dlc!
  2. hi, im looking for an english/dutch speeking unit/clan whatever that excepts a 14 jear-old guy. best would be in Europe due to the time... anyway if such a clan/unit excists, please contact me via the forum or email: dennybop@hotmail.nl thanks!!
  3. dennybop

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    yeah im an idiot... i checked game options and had vehicle free look turned on. turned it off now it works
  4. dennybop

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    can you turn off the free-look while on a helicopter? i find i don't use it and i prefer flying withe the cyclic mapped to the mouse... but each time i fly i need to map the controls correctly. and flying with a controller is too slow, even with high sensitivity. any help? EDIT: nevermind :3