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Everything posted by fred41

  1. ... yes, i know your work (voted up already in IT) ... If you want a image (highmap) may be grayscale or colored from the Stratis_8WVR.wrp (see my first post for how to generate), than you can use L3DT: http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/downloads/ 1. Rename your stratis_8WVR.wrp to stratis_8WVR.r32. 2. In L3DT, use import -> Highfield -> Select stratis_8WVR.r32 -> 3. make shure the import options are: 32bit floating point (metres); headerSize = 24; width*height = 2048*2048 4. Import the file... Then use all the abilities of L3DT to view/generate/export what ever you want (2d, 3D). Good Luck, Fred41 :) BTW: your linked images looks really nice.
  2. Hi NordKindchen, a few months ago i extracted chernarus highfield data (for visualisation). You need the following tools: https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/20882/DePbo4.11.rar (dll) https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/20955/ExportXYZ1.52.0.3.Installer.exe Install the tools. Extract Stratis.wrp from map_stratis.pbo as usual. Then use ExportXYZ to convert the .wrp to xyz. Then you have xyz data like this: 0.00 0.00 -142.91 32.00 0.00 -143.09 64.00 0.00 -141.91 96.00 0.00 -141.41 128.00 0.00 -140.90 160.00 0.00 -140.94 192.00 0.00 -141.13 224.00 0.00 -141.06 256.00 0.00 -140.87 288.00 0.00 -140.93 320.00 0.00 -141.30 352.00 0.00 -142.28 384.00 0.00 -143.22 416.00 0.00 -144.46 448.00 0.00 -145.02 480.00 0.00 -145.16 512.00 0.00 -145.16 .... In fact that resolution is pure. If you need 16/32bit, than you can use this tool: https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/20937/ConvertWrp1.73a.Installer.exe to make a 8WVR.wrp file which contain the elevations in 32 bit. But it is tricky to extract, there is a 24 byte header before the data, see: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Wrp_File_Format_-_8WVR Hope it helps you. Regards, Fred41
  3. ... yes, this is a very great mission, very good coded, using the most of arma's abilities and really a lot of fun :) For peoples never played this before, it is very useful (nessecary) to read the online help to understand the basics. And i would recomment the DEV branch, because of better AI behavoir. ... maybe i meet you in BECTI later .... :o
  4. Hello Infection, i asked me the same questions a few months ago. Because of that i wrote a little test .fsm to check the timings of the script interpreter. You can find this .fsm and some results in this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156542-optimization-for-script-interpreter-possible The answer from *deadfast* in this thread is very interesting and helped me to understand some behavoir a bit better. I think it is very important to understand this basics before start optimizing. If you have some more detailed questions feel free to contact me via PM. BTW: my little tool "Arma Server Monitor" is very helpful for optimizing tasks too, but is written for Arma 3. It should work for Arma 2 OA too, but you have to install the included ASM.fsm manually in your missions init.sqf. Regards, Fred41
  5. fred41

    What is going on? No CTI servers??

    @Haywire, just a question from a CTI newbe, is it already possible to get a preview from this BE CTI? And if yes, where? Thanks, Fred41 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: i think i found it: BECTI 0.8 stable branch, some servers hosting it! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: my first impression: nothing for a quick match, but very, very interesting for the fans of strategy, like me :)
  6. ... tried with non default STEAM ports (steamPort = 8866; steamQueryPort = 28016), i got still: > You were kicked off the game. ... any other idea? Thanks, Fred41
  7. Hi Dwarden, i am trying to setup a MP development environment, to integrate a dedicated client (HC) in a mission (current DEV build). There is a new feature "loopback = true;", that should, as far as i understand, support at least one client, + one HC + one DS on the same machine. If i try to connect my local HC on local DS (same machine, with "loopback = true"), i got this as result: 14:21:30 > You were kicked off the game. This occurs while no other client or HC is connected! (And it doesn't matter if BE is activated or not.) If i remove the loopback param in server.cfg, the dedicated client is connecting fine, but then i can't connect with a local client (on same machine)! So my question is: Is that feature still WIP, or should it already work? Thanks, Fred41
  8. Hi Blue, thanks for making this large test possible and for sharing the results. Such a large scale test is very helpful for understanding the mechanic and to come to know the limits of the current engine. Especially the limiting impact of the script processor is well shown by the results. For me, the performance of the current engine (stable branch) is already very impressiv and i am hopeful that it can be improved a bit more in the release. The problems we currently observe on very many servers are mainly the result of not well optimized mission script code and/or bad server configuration. I think what arma 3 really needs, to have a better performing server/mission landscape, is: 1. better documentation (especially engine internal details are very bad or not documented), detailed information/warnings for performance hungry script commands 2. better development tools (what about a profiler for sqf?) 3. better support for monitoring tools (like ASM:)), i would recommend a simple shared memory interface, filled periodical with engine states currently not available or difficult to monitor, like network bandwith, number of running VM scripts e.t.c. But i fully understand, that some things simple need time and man power. So i am hopefully that BI-developers are already aware of the problems and maybe something is already WIP. Best regards, Fred41
  9. @Dwarden, thanks for that - maybe more people will notice this tool now. "Arma Server Monitor" will continue to be a slow update project, but is already very stable and useful too. UPDATE: 1. Additional to counting server local AI, ASM now counts remote AI (remote from servers view) too. 2. You can now adjust the interval for objectcounting by changing the entry objectcountinterval=xx in asm.ini. This value is in seconds. Default for object counting is still 0 (off). ENJOY :)
  10. minor Update: Object counting is now off by default (to minimize ressources consumption) and can be activated if needed. To activate it, just change objectcountinterval from 0 to your desired interval in seconds in asm.ini (example: objectcountinterval=30). Object counting is very helpful to identify bad cleanup or unintentional object generation in a mission, but counting all mission objects periodical needs some ressources too. So i recomment to activate it as long as your mission is under development to monitor this important value and optimize your mission to a minimized object count. Later, if everything runs smooth, there is no longer a need for this and you could deactivate it by setting objectcountinterval=0.
  11. Terox, thanks for your hint. You are right, large arrays/loops should be used with care. I use this _MissObj = count allMissionObjects ""; each 30 sec. (no .sqf loop), should be acceptable even for larger missions.
  12. UPDATE: ... counter for all allMissionObjects added, that should help to check if cleanup routines works correctly ...
  13. @Kindling, hello and thanks for your offer to help with wine. Sacha told me, he is a few days away from keyboard, maybe we need your help if he is back :) ---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ---------- update: profileName now available, this should help to better identifiy your instance (thanks kamaradski for idea). Just use the -name=someinstance param in your commandline and someinstance will be shown in ASM. Because of the latest changes in arma 3, i had to change from forced=1 to preInit=1 in configFunctions to automatic start fn_ASM.fsm at mission start. To continue using ASM, please update ALL files as described in readme on github repository. Enjoy, Fred41 :)
  14. Hi, GID_Sacha, thanks for your report. To be honest, ASM is not tested under arma->wine->linux environment and iam not really familiar with wine. But i know that a lot of arma servers running on linux via wine, for good reasons. So i think it make sense to adapt ASM to run with wine too, if this is possible. If you are interested to help here, we could clear this issue out together. I will contact you per PM soon. Thanks for your help :)
  15. ... just checked in an up to date wireshark record, all UDP packets are showing a typical difference of 42 bytes, between brutto size and data size ...
  16. Thanks Luki_M2K, i am really glad to hear that :) ---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ---------- ... i tried, but for some reasons my new pictures are displayed only as link:confused:, so i have just updated the picture in my github repository instead ... BTW: isn't it weekend in Czech Republic today:rolleyes:
  17. fred41

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Hi SaMatra, the performance of your wasteland implementation is really very impressiv. For me a proof, that it is generally possible to write efficient code in .sqf and that the current A3 engine can't be that bad. Maybe you can write, once upon a time, a tutorial for other developers how to optimize for A3 engine? Thanks for your good work and please keep it up, Fred41
  18. Hi Terox, lets say iam still flirting with the idea of generating xml output, but it is not WIP currently. (I assume you have noticed, that remote viewing via ArmaServerMonitor in client configration, is already possible?)
  19. ... last early morning update ... Better visualisation of lags is now available via popup menu (RMB, FPSmin). The combination of diag_fps value with the diag_fpsmin value allows a much better detection of "slow frame" series in history graph. To use it, please update ALL related files from my github repository (ArmaServerMonitor.exe, ASMdll.dll and ASM.pbo). ENJOY :)
  20. Thanks for your reply and suggestions, ideas are always welcome :) There is an update available: - history graph extended from 200 to 800 samples, width of history window adapted - internally diag_frameno replaced by diag_fps to allow more dynamical monitoring Showing more then the PID from the server instance is a good idea, let me look what is possible here. Greets, Fred41
  21. Hello Winchester Delta_1, related to ASM, everything looks good in your start line. But the space in -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3\Users\ could be a problem. I would recomment here to use an extra folder like c:\A3\serverprofiles for all your profiles. Correct, additional params for ASM are only necessary if you like to use ASM's remote view capabilities too. If you start at least one of your server instances and the mission is loaded, you should very soon see all the values in the display of the running ArmaServerMonitor. If something does not work please just let me know.
  22. ... maybe i can help here ... All the related files, including a short how to use, are stored in my github repository, see the link in initial post of this thread. The ArmaServerMonitor.exe particularly here: https://github.com/fred41/ASM/blob/master/binary/ArmaServerMonitor.exe Thanks for your reply :)
  23. Hey Blue1, sent you a PM (in good old german :) to clear this FPS issue out.
  24. minor update: Graphs for number of players scaled up from max 50 to 100. So well optimized missions are supported better. AI graphs are still scaled to max 400. WIP: introducing a "lag" indicator value, which will show the number and strength of simulation cycle deviations, for a specific time interval (very likely last minute).