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Everything posted by timg

  1. Hey guys and gals I am very new to the arma scripting language and I have been on the search for over a week now trying to understand the logic behind multiplayer scripting. I have read through multiple guides and forum posts and have tried my best to search before asking questions. I know that I am probably missing something very small and stupid here but any help would be greatly appreciated. I run my own dayz server just for myself to learn on and I have gone into the mission editor and added two things. A radio alpha trigger and a US Rifleman. In the On Activate for the trigger I have the following: null = execVM "Test.sqf"; I have name my AI unit nwPilot and in the actuall script located in the mission folder looks like this: loc = getpos Player; loc1 = getpos nwPilot; hint format ["%1 is at location %2",name player,loc]; sleep 5; hint format ["The pilot is at %1",loc1]; nwPilot domove loc; When I launch the game and I activate the trigger I get both of my Hint messages showing the correct position values for the units. However, when it gets to the part of the unit actually moving nothing happens. I have also tried this with a helicopter and the helicopter just fly's away to never never land soon as the trigger is activated. My question is, am I not using local or global variables correctly? I have read something about on a dedicated machine the player object is null and that I should be referring to it as p1 or p2 etc.. Can anyone provide some insight to what must be done here to get something along these lines functioning. Thanks in advance for your guy's time and I'm sorry if this was covered elsewhere or that I posted in the wrong place.. Any constructive criticism on this matter will be duly noted. -Tim G.