So I'm creating a new map from scratch to develop an idea I have but I've run in to some problems after a few days of looking at tutorials, wikis and endless lines of code examples I just can't get the textures to load properly in buldozer (Arma3) via Visitor.
I'll detail everything I have done as much as possible;
I created a heightmap which was a pain but now it works as indented in Visitor and also shows properly in buldozer.
I unpacked and unwrapped all the Arma 3 configs and textures and moved all the needed files to P:.
Created the rvmats based on what I could find here "guidewise"
Imported the heightmap in to Visitor3
Setup the texture folder in Visitor3
Imported my layers with Sat and Mask-Lco.png
Converted the Mask and Sat grids generated to paa
Connected to buldozer
This took a fair amount of trial and error but when I load buldozer now I don't get any errors (had a lot of can't load errors before fixing the layers.cfg och rvmats) but I still get only this
Here is a rundown of my files and folders etc :
- bfse.pew
- (all nopx, mco, co and rvmats)
(all rvmats are more or less identical to that one)
co and nopx from Arma3 extraction
mco from someone here who had them generated 2-3MB/each
rvmats as above
- (all the layers files and rvmats)
- Layers.cfg
- mapLegend.png
- SatLco.png (5120x5120)
- MaskLco.png (5120x5120, have one 4 color version and one 9 color version, tried both)
- Terrain.bmp (5120x5120)
- Terrain.png (2048x2048)
- Terrain.pbl
[spoiler=Terrain.pbl][pre]class cfg
P:/BFSE/a3 (auto generated with the script from Pbodll site)
Like I said, I don't get any errors on loading the map in buldozer but it still just shows as above without textures or alphas, I've also "cloned" my ArmaWork in to my Arma3 folder and have a3 and a3_bin extracted etc.
Any help would be great, I must be missing something but not sure what >_< since I don't get any error and have almost gone blind staring at the screen trying to find something that is "off" compared to how other people do it I'm at my wits end.
solutions I've tried so far;
1. Rename all files etc to lowercase only
2. A multitude of different sizes on all the different images used
3. Changed shaders in the rvmats files
4. Using the original mapLegend.png and altering colors to match on mask
5. Variance in mapsize
6. making all the _mco paa to png and using those instead
So far no luck, it's still that black texture only, if I redirect the texture folder in Visitor3 the ground turns untextured white meaning it is textured just black :(