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About babydoc

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. babydoc

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Do you really have to be an expert to spot the biggest problem that ARMA has? And since when is the join date telling you whether a person is an expert or not?
  2. babydoc

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    laggy double post...........
  3. babydoc

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    When people are passionate about something then we tend to be "annoying" and asking questions and giving tips and ideas. I dont think for a second that white is hating BIS or ARMA3. He is just asking a direct question that so many of us are worried about. I white was hating ARMA he wouldn't even bother to ask or trying to make these long posts. IMO I think that IF the answer is something like:" We cant redo the AI-being-heavy-on-CPU without making a new engine but we can try to make the best optimizations as possible", that would be like financial suicide. If it was an easy fix then BIS would have made it a LONG time ago, they have like 2 engines as experience. IMO I think this is a very hard fix and admitting that will scare of potential buyers. My thoughts, I can be wrong tho PS I still love ARMA.
  4. Crappy Galaxy S2??! You heathen!
  5. WOW 1.1v! Watercooling and one of those CPU's :), to bad its nearly double the price of a 8350... Im personally curious about the Centurion from AMD. Its just a glorified 8350 that makes 5.0 on air AFAIK. There will be a hefty price tag on that one too. Intel or AMD..? decisions decisions..... will have to change MB and CPU.... EDIT: Rumor has it that a Centurion will be at US $795!
  6. Tack så mycket zhrooms! Thanks zhrooms! Thats why I changed my CPU from 4100 (3.6GHZ)@4.3GHZ to a 8350(4.0GHz) and went 5.0 GHz
  7. babydoc

    How to change FOV the easy way

    Thanks again! WOnder why anyone else hasnt made that app allready? :)
  8. babydoc

    How to change FOV the easy way

    Thanks but I guess its for 16:9? I use 16:10
  9. babydoc

    100% Video card usage

    LOL Warning for informative well written post?!
  10. babydoc

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    Thanks for clearing that up. We tend to be fast judging.... myself included.
  11. babydoc

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    Have you never played a game without sound on? I had to play A3 without sound for two days, its doable.
  12. babydoc

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    If everythings is allright with your brain then there is no way that a 47 year old man will produce the language you are using. I thought that you where a 10 year old Kazakstani kid or something.
  13. If A3 will be succefull theres no chance in hell that the modders will work on A2. Who will they release the mods to? They will either stop modding and fade away or join the A3 community. Some of the modders in the Arma community really need to get down from their high horses.
  14. Agree! There are doers and onlookers. Appreciated work zhrooms