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About pingo21vb

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  1. Thanks for reply ;) Uhm... There isn't a script?! the support is from the standard modules?! Or am I misunderstanding something.. :) PS: I know what you are talking about now!... But.. It does not Work that way?! this addAction["<t color=#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf];
  2. Greetings. :) I'm trying to use the modules for ammo drop. (Supports) Uhm.. How do I make the crate a "VAS" crate?!?!
  3. Uhm... Could someone please (chop it all up) in steps... I'm lost.. How do I make it work?? Edit; Well... It works :) It's very cool made!! Thanks for sharing :)