Hello, recently I bought my own server and hosted it on Vert Hosting.
Everything is going fine, got all set-up, and now I'm floating in scripting rivers.
I have done a lot of changes. But here's something I'd like to add to my TAVIANA 2.0 map:
- BEC: Import Automatic restart every 3h (with announcements 5min before restart)
- BEC: Import Server Messages every 15 minutes
- BEC: Kick Lobby Idlers 5min aka 300sec
- Disable Charachter Selection screen if possible on Taviana ( when you login screen pops with Male and Female Charachter to select )
- I am encountering something wierd, when I log into my server I get 2 gears.. meaning: Something is over-riding my "instances" table where I select starting loadout.. so new spawns get the gear I setup, and they get extra: Painkillers, 1 bandage, Patrol Pack and Survivor skin.
If someone can help me in that..
PLEASE add me to skype: hrvoje.lotar