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Posts posted by Amplifier

  1. Thanks for the quick response.

    Also, are you exporting the mission into PBO format? If that is the case, it would be wise to unpack the PBO and check if all the scripts were transferred correctly. Use something like Eliteness to unpack and repack pbo's.

    I have checked this, all files incl. killTicker.sqf are on the server.

    sry but where can i find this lines in killTicker.sqf ?

    if (local player) then {

    player spawn tlq_killTicker;


  2. Hi,

    i am new in this forums and this ist my first try to creating MP maps.

    I tryed to install and run the killticker for me and its working when i test it in the editor.

    But when i am uploading the mpmission on a server and try to test it, the killticker does not work.

    Can anybody help me to fix that problem, what did i do wrong.
