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About taKs

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  1. i noticed it only happens if something happens like a plane crashes, a car explodes or a dude gets shot and the ragdoll kicks in. so basically the crash (at least for me) is triggered by things that happen. Big PVP maps like CTI are unplayable for me. since theres a lot of stuff happening some random thing will trigger the crash in 15 or 30 min. playing a coop mission with 2-3 ppl is playable though, but it also happens there (but less likely, since theres not a whole lot happening) Annoying thing is, that theres no crash message, no error message or simiar that i could provide a support ticket with. Maybe a DEV could give at least some info down here that this problem is worked on or what kind of information they need.
  2. exactly what i am experiencing
  3. game got released, still same problem. what can i do?
  4. happens in MP, didnt try SP though, im running no mods. i noticed it sometimes happens when vehicles get blown up...
  5. Hi, Arma 3 Beta randomly crashes with nothing but freezig, when i tab out it only says the message "arma 3 has stopped working" This happens very randomly, somtimes after 2-3 mins and sometimes after 15-30 mins i'am ingame, any suggestions on that? I am running a Intel I5 3770k, 670 GTX oced with 8 Gig ram and win7 prof.
  6. taKs

    TeeTimes Warfare

    there is some bug that you sometimes randomly get damaged or die for no reason. happend to me only on teetimes warfare. any thoughts on that?
  7. taKs

    TeeTimes Warfare

    do you try to implement some kind of shop interface? Like in those Area TDM's where you can select your gear in the base and change your complete weapon / uniform / whatever stuff by a nice menu. some of these domination missions have some good scripts too. That would be really awsome, because currently finding scopes every time you die is quite frustrating :rolleyes:
  8. taKs

    TeeTimes Warfare

    playing 630 and save gear does not really work. i spawn with less ammo, no attachments, sometimes my weapon gets saved, sometimes not, medikits dissapearing.. just wanted to let you know! :cool: