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Everything posted by Spliffou

  1. According to Stiltman tutorial here can we assign the new texture with _unit addHeadGear "example_HelmetB"; _unit addUniform "example_CombatUniform_mcam"; _unit addVest "example_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; in a .sqf file? Or we must use another method/syntax? maybe this setObjectTexture "mynewtexture.paa"; and the default _unit addHeadGear "HelmetB"; _unit addUniform "CombatUniform_mcam"; _unit addVest "PlateCarrier1_rgr"; in a .sqf file?
  2. Is it possible to add modified texture in a mp mission instead of an @ddon? I just would like to add a medic brassard or patch on mine but i can't seem to make it work :( I've try to follow the differents tutos right here in the thread but without success, all are for addons, no more explanations about the structure of the files too, i'm very confused about that. If someone can point me in the right direction, or give me a little more informations about that, it would probably help me a lot! Many thanks in advance!
  3. Try saving = 1; in your desc.ext ;)