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Everything posted by Ranker94

  1. When i enter any vehicle BorderGuard instantly kill me. Im using simple borders.
  2. Hi. It seems like it don`t work for me. Im shure that i doing something wrong, but i can`t find what is it. Here is what i`ve done: - Put @zeu_ServerSkill into Arma3 installation folder. - Put zeu_ServerSkills.hpp into userconfig/zeu. - Set all stats in option 3 at 1. (To get best possible AI skill.) - Start Multiplayer server on my computer. - Start Test mission with one player and one AI on lvl Regular. And it takes about 2-3 magazines before AI can kill me from 100m. I have ASR_AI installed. Ahh also Test Mission show that AI Skill on server is 1, and clientside id 0.6 - 1.
  3. Ranker94

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Oh my god such a mistake. Thats when english is not your main language :/ Thank you very much.
  4. Ranker94

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hi, Great tool! But i have one big problem. Init file: [ west, ["Rozpoznanie", "Sprawdz sytuacje w obozie Maxwell z pobliskiego wzgórza.", "Rozpoznanie", "", getMarkerPos "Rozpoznanie", "created"], ["Ofensywa", "Zdobądź Obóz Maxwell. Nie zabijcie cywili.", "Ofensywa", "", getMarkerPos "Maxwell", "created"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; First trigger: ["Rozpoznanie", "assigned"] call FHQ_TT_setTaskState; Second trigger: ["Rozpoznanie", "succeded"] call FHQ_TT_setTaskState; What i get: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541830884819280216/647D3344BECFBA4351ED2EA6C1AE6D594E619A88/ Why is this succed confirmation blank? I did something wrong? It works as scritp because task get status "succed" but visual is what u use on this SS. I also was trying this at trigger2: ["Rozpoznanie", "succeded", "Ofensywa"] call FHQ_TT_markTaskAndNext; But it`s still the same.