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About Crate

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  1. If I can google and find it then ANYBODY can google and find it! I cant remove the files I didnt post! Perhaps you should of thought about all this before you posted the link in a public forum free to download! You posted it 15 AUG 2010! Thats your problem!
  2. I am not distributing anything. I just know where its located. I guess you will need to ban the person distributing it. Because it isnt me so!
  3. Crate

    O2 light to Blender to O2 light

    Using Arma Sample Models http://dl1.armed-assault.de/tools/ArmA_Sample_Models.7z I used The P3D import script and imported A-10 and AGM-65 both had exact same error as Mach2Infinity. I tried replacing the code with "def read_P3DM(self, file):" and no luck using blender 2.66.4
  4. Who removed it? Why? Somebody must have a copy they can post a link to! I have a model ready for export from blender.
  5. Does anyone have a link for this plugin? I have looked all over for it and had to make a account on these forums just to try to find this plugin and come here and ask for assistance to find it.