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About Huntersbutt

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  1. Huntersbutt

    Allow only OpFor to repsawn

    I understand how to set up a respawn, however it is conflicting with the ACE spectator script I am also running. I need a way to define "respawn=bird" and "respawn=base" to only be read by separate sides.
  2. I'm making a mission that depicts a BluFor patrol heading out to look for drugs and weapons. An OpFor team (played by players) is there to stop them. I need to have it so that BluFor when one dies that said dead person will become a spectator, but if an OpFor player dies, that he will respawn. Is there a way to direct a script at OpFor only?
  3. Hey I was wondering if anyone knows how to disable the spotting mechanic on a server so that the radio commands don't pop up saying "enemy rifleman, 200m" or what not. I believe this command: "this disableai autotarget" works but is there a server wide command that wouldn't have to be put into every single mission folder? Also can you disable the radio messages entirely? Thanks
  4. I'm going to be posting a load of screens on this http://armascreens.tumblr.com/ so check it out if you want.
  5. I had an idea for a mission that involved a faction developing a weather machine that throws Fallujah into a giant snow storm. This uses the Thirsk weather game logic. I wish to have it so that when the machine is destroyed, the snowstorm stops. I assumed that I could use the 'deleteVehicle' script to delete the game logic, but it doesn't seem to work. Also what script do i use to have the above action only activate when the object is destroyed? Thanks
  6. I know you can edit a unit's inventory via its init field by adding such commands as 'this addweapon' etc. However I am trying to write up a script that will define load outs for a unit template so that my communities missions can base themselves off of this structure. But I have one fundamental problem. such commands as '*unit's name here* addweapon "*addweapon name here*" don't work. When I try to load the mission up it kicks me out of the game and gives me an error I don't understand. Could someone please let me know what I need to be writing, or direct me somewhere that would help. Thanks EDIT Don't worry i figured it out myself.