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About Bowbox

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  1. Bowbox

    ARMA 3 Alpha Resolution Troubles

    Thanks, I will check that out. I found my problem! I had everything scaled to its lowest setting (im not sure why) and setting it back to default fixed the problem!
  2. Bowbox

    ARMA 3 Alpha Resolution Troubles

    Deleting my .cfg file seemed to get me into a centered fullscreen mode, however I cannot use my mouse in the title screen. I am forced into using my direction keys to navigate the menus. Anyone also have a similar problem to this? I am finding that the game and my monitor are not matched up. Like I mentioned above, my monitor is playing the game at one resolution and the game is trying to play at another resolution. Perhaps this is a larger issue that cannot be solved with some tweaking of the in-game menu but I definitely want this to be known.
  3. I am having trouble with the fullscreen resolution of the game. When selecting fullscreen mode and restarting the game, the game seems to have forgotten the resolution i want and has reset the screen to be off the center or focal point. Such as the game is not centered on my screen but instead existing past the screen leaving all the buttons off screen. The game seems to want to both run at the standard 800x600 (my view) as well as the higher resolution (the view I want) I chose before restarting the game. I am currently having no issues in fullscreen windowed mode, but I am worried im loosing resources by going this route. Please Help Thanks, Bow. Note: Also on an external monitor I am having the same issues making the resolution of my laptop not the problem. SPECS: Retina Macbook Pro 15inch. OS: Bootcamp 64bit Windows 7 (128Gb) CPU: i7 2.6Ghz GPU: GT 650M 1Gb Mem: 8Gb Requirement: Maturity, I dont want to hear your opinions about Apple (best I put this in after viewing another topic about playing on a Mac.)
  4. Bowbox

    ARMA3 on Mac?

    Hey, Im also a RMBP user and I would like to know how you got your resolution to work. Only windowed mode (full screen windowed) is working for me. Whenever I attempt to go full screen and change the resolution it does not save when restarting the game. Every time I relaunch, the screen is completely off center and the resolution doesnt fit my screen. I would love to hear some of the tweaks you did to get the resolution proper and perhaps your high performance (im currently playing smoothly at ~35fps (Fraps) in standard detail). I havnt yet attempted to push the limits of my laptop but I would like to hear of your results. SPECS: Retina Macbook Pro 2.7GHz 8Gb Ram 512Gb SSD (256Gb Windows Partition)