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Everything posted by LorenzoPM

  1. Hey guys, I've been an enthusiastic player of the ArmA series ever since OFP/Cold War Assault back in 2001, and the release of the ArmA 3 Alpha has been really exciting. I would love to be able to get playing ArmA 3 preferably on high or ultra settings with a smooth/playavle framerate, and so have a question about the hardware updates I'll need to make. Apologies if what I ask seems odd, I'm not experienced with computers. These are my current specs: - ATI Radeon HD 7770 1GB - AMD FX-Six Core 6300 Processor 3.50Ghz - 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz - Windows 7 Home OS With what I can afford at the moment I am looking at updating to a Gigabyte Nvidia GTX 650Ti 2GB DDR5 PCI-E. Is this a good choice for ArmA 3, or are there any other suggestions? Would this card run ArmA 3 okay with my current processor or am I going to be looking to update that too? Thank you in advance for your help, and sorry for the trouble :)