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About wensquared

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  1. wensquared

    Boat problem

    place instead of an empty boat a boat from your side (BLUE or RED) name it for example: boat . to place the units in a boat put for each unit in its init: this moveInCargo boat; to get the boat moving to land, create a waypoint for the boat and instead of MOVE set it to UNLOAD TRANSPORT. also new to arma and the editor. thats the way I did for the helicopter, so I think for the boat its the same.
  2. wensquared

    helicopter landing

    also kinda new to scripting, just made my second mission with helicopter waypoints too. i think u have to set the last waypoint for the helicopter to: unload or unload transport
  3. wensquared

    Revive Script

    hey guys, I made a Coop mission, included this revive script. In my mission I also have a camera scene script like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9oRg2VDErw instead that the scene starts in the beginning it starts when BLUFOR is in the trigger. After I included the revive script(which is awesome btw) my camera scene script doesnt work anymore. is there a solution to this problem? (sry if my english isnt good xD )
  4. wensquared

    Infected Virus

    ahh thats what I needed,thx !! didnt know when I have the dev build how to go back to stable version again. does anyone know when it is save to switch back to stable version?