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Everything posted by chill0r

  1. "Thanks Chill0r for the info, where abouts do we change the website addresses and TS3 info?" Just use notepad++ and search in the whole folder for the current address (newest file is "takistanliferevolution (dot) com") "Also do you know if you will make public how we can save stats?" The statsave is made by Trash (one of our developers). As far as i know he's already thinking about / working on a public version. But I don't know when it'll be released. Greetings chill0r
  2. To clear you guys up: The Takistan Life:Revolution Mission is free to use, we don't require to pay for it, ask for it or whatever you think you have to do. You can view our development on github [1] The only thing which (at the moment) isn't public is our statsave system. Further please change the ingame website addresses and ts3 addresses to your own (we get about 10-15 questions for unbanning and so on a day which aren't related to our servers). (But don't claim it as your work, you're free to use but the cookies belong to us ;) ) Greetings chill0r [1] https: //github.com /micovery /takistan-life-revolution