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About BallSabre

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    Private First Class
  1. BallSabre

    Hotas switch issue?

    I'm using the X65F and when I go to assign the controls, I was going to assign some things to the hats on the throttle but they don't register in game. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the controller because they register just fine outside of Arma 3. I have also heard other hotas systems are having similar problems, does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. BallSabre

    Vehicles too slow offroad and uphill

    I know from experience that the marshall, while a little lazy going up a hill or when reversing, can go up to 60km/h in wooded terrain if you sacrifice a few trees up to 10cm thick (talking about soft and deformed ground with lots of undergrouth). So yeah, up hill speeds are horribel and painful at the moment.
  3. BallSabre

    Amount of Ammo in Vehicles

    There is a problem with all of you guys logic though. Those ammo counts are not desined to fight a war against an equal enemy. Like was said before around 60% used fighting an inferior enemy for 2-3 hours. The thing is though, we are fighting a war in this game where the NATO forces are going against enemies who have RAILGUNS(lol but anyway) on their tanks. In this game you will in most cases meet an egual enemy or a superior one. Not some rebels that barely know how to drive a car and say "Allah Akbar" (sorry for sounding rasist), so you will be using more AT-missiles and high power weapons than any peace keeper force can even imagine. Say Russia and USA go to war right now, I find it hard to belive that the US will send a company of mechaniced infantry into battle with 100 rounds(30~40mm) in the supporting vehicle(or if HMG then 400 rounds). That is called being under equiped and you should get ready to get rolled over by Russian tank spam. I'm sure some (like the Marshall's) ammo counts are close-enoughâ„¢ when compared to real world counter parts, but we need to consider the bigger picture. I think we have been spoiled by the small Stratis map in a way. Playing on that map is pretty close to peace keeping operation scale in a simplistic way. When Altis is finally given to us people should start to see the problem in such low ammo counts, you will literally have to always have an ammo truck trailing behind your attack force or get rolled over after the first engagement. When saying that you should pick your targets and not waste ammo, I will have to think that while the thought is cute that is not how a real war works (especially not ArmA war). In ArmA because vehicles have HP instead of real armor people will, if met by an MBT for example, shoot it with an autocannon in hopes of disabling it and use up most of their ammo while doing so. In this case the extremely low ammo counts will begin to hinder basic gameplay. Even if Marshalls ammo is correct the 400 rounds for all HMG's is just too low, when playing with my friends we use the vehicle HMG's as snipers with single shots to conserve ammo and we still manage to run out because it take anything form 30 to 60 rounds to disapple a moving armored car. ---------- Post added at 09:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 ---------- This would be ideal. And would only need a small amount of programming to work. Just have an variable for amount of clips used and after said number is used a longer reload time comes into effect for the next one. And ably a special reload command into command menu that resets the values and takes used ammo form the total amount.
  4. BallSabre

    Amount of Ammo in Vehicles

    Not to be offencive or anything, but what country's military tactics are we talking about? Two clips of ammo in an armored car or APC seems really illogical. Its not like the vehicle has to think about the weight or space taken by said ammo much. Also to establish that I'm not talking out of my ass, I have training with military vehicles; the Patria AMV to be exact. When using a lightly armed APC in a compat situation their role is fire support, suppression and in extreme cases flash advances and attacks. A battle when encountering an enemy unexpectedly should go like this (APC-company with infantry inside(4 teams), objective: defeat enemy and continue): Encounter Vehicles open fire and lay down suppressive fire. (normally the first vehicle that encounters the enemy will shoot the whole clip during this stage) Vehicles pack up into relative cover (time against usable cover). Infantry debloys into cover. (vehicles reload if possible or necessary) Infantry advances. Vehicles suppress the enemy if possible. Team 3 or 4 begin flanking manuvers (with or without vehicles) Team 1 and 2 (and 3 or 4) tie down the enemy with continuous fire to help flankers (usualle heavy vehicle fire, second and maybe third clip used at this point) Flanker team defeats the enemy. At this point a real military unit would continue on and the infantry would resupply at their vehicles (the four APC's, no logistics reguired) and complete their mission (which is usually a much bigger engagement), but in ArmA 3 you need to return to an ammo truck and leave the main objective unfinished just because of a little engagement. To me this is just plain stupid. Edit: Logistics should come to play after the main mission (for that unit) is completed and not after every small encounter.
  5. BallSabre

    Amount of Ammo in Vehicles

    TL;DR, I have noticed that the amount of ammo in vehicles at the moment is really low. This is wrong. [Notice; not talking about AH's here] So, we get 120 or so rounds into the Marshall's cannon and 400 rounds for HMG's? These numbers must have been taken during a firing exercise because no-one is going to go to war with ammo enough for one engagement. These weapons were meant to be fired in bursts or on full auto and if you do that currently in game you will be out of ammo really fast. I just can't believe that this is actually ment to be like this. So what does the forum think about the current situation? is it 'working as intended'â„¢ or 'its just beta'â„¢? To me this seems like a big issue that no-one seems to have discussed in the amounts that this topic deserves imho and I will begin the discussion by saying; "current vehicle ammo count needs to be at least x5 the current amount."
  6. BallSabre

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    Ugh... Sorry got a little exited there...:p What I was just trying to say was that a vehicle made for real compat operations and not just troop transport will always need atleast tree crew members when talking about such a multi purpose vehicle. Just because you can doesn't mean you should... Although, In arma I NEVER use the commander seat so I totally know what you are on about ;) In the HMG/GMG version of Patria AMV the gunner actaully controls the smokes, they are on the turret to begin with. Seems like a really ood choice by BI In arma I usually command the vehicle from the drivers seat because the bots cant drive. This might just be something to make it over all easier to use vehicles with bots. Not that I agree, but if fixing the AI is too much work this is still better than nothing. Still, its not an excuse to take stuff away form the commander.
  7. BallSabre

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    Seriously, what do you mean two man version... We are talking about one of the most modular vehicles that exist today, even more so than that horrible striker. There might be some weird two man versions but trust me when I say that the patria AMV hull is built for a tree man grew, the driver and gunner have their own space that cant be used for much else and the commander has his dedicated radios and c&c equipment so he can command the passengers easily aswell. I don't know if you guys appriciate just how modular this thing is. Its a days work tops for the TREE man crew to change the armor thinkness of the WHOLE vehicle. Trust me, been there done that. Here is some porn of some of the versions that have been made/are in testing. http://www.puolustusvoimat.fi/wcm/8169aa80450ba1d898e8f92d421d6b7b/amv+xa-360.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=8169aa80450ba1d898e8f92d421d6b7b (3561 kB) http://www.forte.jor.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/LAND_Patria_AMV_w_RCWS-30_lg.jpg (114 kB) http://media.defenceindustrydaily.com/images/ORD_AMOS_on_Patria_AMV_lg.jpg (258 kB) ---------- Post added at 09:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ---------- Sorry but what has wikipedia done to become the most reliable source of information, check the finnish version of that page and you will see that the commander is not infact listed as optional and seeing as the particular vehicle is actually finnish made that might be more believable. Although the commander position is almost useless in arma when using bots (since the driver cant drive wiht any reliability) that is no reason for it to be taken out of the game. I seriously hope these are place holders and not infact the finished products. Also, what is with these ammo counts, it looks like they are going to go shoot a few rounds on the shooting range and I'm not even choking, that is the avarage amount of ammo given when going to the shooting range, actual battle armament includes 500+ rounds for all vehicles with HMGs, and that is just when talking about a light and fast incursion wiht no long time engagements planned.
  8. BallSabre

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    Unless there is no gun at all (I have never heard of such variant except test builds) there always is a driver, gunner and commander. The driver has to concentrate on driving, finding a path between trees and rocks, not driving over anyone, keep the vehicle steady when the gunner is trying to shoot and so on. The gunner is trying to shoot and scan the area around the vehicle for contacts with his superior sights. The commander has to always know where everyone in the battle is and monitor the radio while also looking around constantly and directing and synching the drivers and gunners movements. (to name a few) Also the commander has to watch out fo the barrel on those turretless variants or he could get knocked out ;)
  9. BallSabre

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    I think this has less to do with the vehicles themselves and more with how this game assigns ground resistance to vehicle speeds as a whole.
  10. BallSabre

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    Being the commader of a Patria AMV I can say to you all that there is a commander seat in EVERY version of ALL patria vehicles and color me mad if there is a military vehicle of similar class that doesn't. As a side note I hope we get more versions of this vehicle since the one we have now is the absolutely worst version. The things the Patria AMV has to sacrifice for that ever "usefull" swimming ability do NOT balance out. There are some really advanced robot "turrets"(more like a mechanical arm) with a 30mm autocanon and missiles with enough armor to shrug off rpgs and being invulnerable to 12,7mm HMG and antimaterial rifles. Would love to show a picture to you guys but you know how this goes. There are a few pictures on the net if someone feels up to searching for those unofficial sources. Honestly I think these vehicles are place holders more than anything else.
  11. BallSabre


    Hello to all you here, I bring you news and will not bother to link the source as I am at my work place but lets just say I heard it from IGN on a video from E3. Steam workshop will be supported, You will be able to download scenarios people have made with the editor without having to even restart the game. Other features tba...
  12. BallSabre

    Will we ever see a map like Chernarus again?

    I think this is what ArmA has been missing, An area with something like 50 islands, a lot of water play and would make divers actually make sense.
  13. BallSabre

    Night vision

    As it just so happens we have used the same system and I didn't mean it as strongly as you seem to think, but the thermal cameras in game are a little too sharp, they are usually more rounded because of the simple fact that heat is radiation and it radiates in all directions. This causes interfearance and in the end the picture isn't quite as clear as it is in ArmA atm... And yes the NV's can protect themselves from bright lights, unless they are flipped on in surprise. This is what we did once, A patrol was coming along a known road and we were supposed to ambush them at night. We knew they had NV's so we camoed once of our APC's alittle too well in a bend on the road and when they strided right into the ambush we flipped on all the lights on it stunning the patrol and took them out. This resulted in the breaking of almost all of their NV's and believe me when I say that the Trainer wasn't happy.:cool:
  14. BallSabre

    Night vision

    This is completely true, I have been working with Mil grade NV's for some time and ArmA's nightvision has always been too good, same goes for thermal as well. There is a lot more interferance, and these things just strenghten the light that is already there, while is ArmA its like a green god-vision.... Same about thermal again, its more about "there is heat over there" than "There is a bmp-2 and 3 russian soldiers with AK's because I saw it form 2km away" Would be nice if this was fixed, would balance out scopes and there wouldn't be a see all hit all anymore. It got old playing Cherno with russians because you couldn't see the enemy and the US could spot everything in 2 seconds. Edit: Also it would be fun if you could brake NV scopes and goggles with bright lights. This would be realistic.